I believe I get punished or at least compensated for certain things. For example, it seems any reward from God to me is followed by a punishment of some sort. (ie: I finally get the disability I've been fighting for for 4 years and finnaly get it and my 6 year cat died) Stuff like that...
by Sasha 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sorry about your cat but congrats on you getting disability It does seem sometimes you are rewarded then punished for the good things that happen in life.
Hi Sasha, don't belive it is God, who is doing this.
Things happen by chanches.
I have never been in Jehovas withness, and i get punish to. becourse i'm not a menber of the cult.
And the cult, have punish me with no contack to my mother what so ever. actuly, the hole famelie, is kind og disfellowshippet, even no one of them have been in Jehovas withness.
I know it is a strange story, but it is actuly true. and i don't know why. becourse no one have told me anything. So you are absolutely not the only one, so get some real freinds, who like you as you really are, not as what they can change you into. ;)
Sorry about you cat, not nice I know.
I'm more a believer of random events. Good & bad happens all the time, there's no predefined pattern. Sometimes you can have good, sometimes its bad. That's life.
Sad emo
Sorry to hear you lost your cat, very young too Have a hug (((Sasha)))
I used to constantly have the idea that something bad always followed something good - so much that I stopped even enjoying the good things /times because I was gearing myself up for something bad to happen. The result of course was one continuous cycle of perceived 'bad' because I failed to even notice the good.
I've only just realised probably in the past year that it's all just life, I try to take it as it comes rather than anticipate events.
Instead of seeing things in terms of "punishment and rewards" accept them as part of what is. Things are as they are; assigning interpretations to events keeps you wrapped up in a mentally created world that is ficticious.
cognizant dissident
What popper said.
You got your disability. Great! A beneficial thing happened to you.
Your cat died. I'm sorry! A sad thing happened to the cat and to you because you cared about it.
That is the simple truth of the matter. That is just the way life is. Good things happen and bad things happen and it is random or if not random then at least out of our immediate control.
Where we go astray is when we look for extra meanings. Why did this happen? Then we look for cause and effect between two events that does not exist. Then we start to make up stories. God is blessing me. God is punishing me. We do this because we want to believe that somehow we can control events. We can control outcomes in our lives. If I am good, or do this or do that, then God will reward me with a disability check. If I am bad, or do this wrong, then God will punsih me with the death of my cat. This is how delusion starts. This is how religion is born.
As always, I thank you all.....