Need to get hold of record cards. Help from current or recent elders needed

by ThomasCovenant 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ThomasCovenant


    My brother-in-law and sister-in-law are on the fade and part of the plan is moving congregations to another part of the country.

    The PO is asking them which congregation to forward the record cards to.

    Bro in law doesn't want the record cards sent but wants to say that he'll take them and give them to the new PO

    as they haven't decided which congregation in the new city they are going to join. (You get the picture)

    Question: Can the PO refuse to give them to Bro in law? Is there some protocol that the PO has to follow

    preventing him from not sending them to the new congregation?

    Any advise from current or recent elders would be appreciated.


    Thomas Covenant

  • PrimateDave


    I'm not an elder, but from experience I know that the records get sent from one congregation secretary to another. The elder(s) will tell your in-laws that once they have settled into a congregation, then they can get the secretary to request the cards from the previous congregation. The elders also send a letter along with the cards. In the mean time, they will request that field service time be sent back to the old hall until the records are received at the new one. Any elders on the forum please correct me if I'm wrong.


  • ninja

    hey Tommy Cov...I'm getting the stripey jumper.... swag bag and mask on as we speak

  • R.F.

    I know a sister that moved here from anther country and they gave her the envelope with the cards and introduction letter to give to the secretary when she got here. He just told her not to open it.

  • blondie

    The elders no longer give them to the publishers. You could have them mailed to a trusted friend or relative in that area.


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