1934? 1914? What was the date and I need some info here for proof

by NotaNess 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotaNess

    Sorry everyone, I haven't read up on some posts here and outside sources that debunks the WTS claim of Christ's Heavenly Kingdom being setup already. I'm compiling some info for the "witness-release" program, and I need someone who has all the definitively researched evidence that the watchtower's dates, etc are not correct.

    I know I just saw a thread recently about it, and have heard others here mention it.

    What is the bottom line on this so I can add this to my files.


  • ninja

    what about this statement..it seems to sum it all up...."sorry folks...we've been talking pish"...WT 1/1 2008....please don't tell the public ...they'll laugh at us

  • jeanV

    some on this board have very extensive knowledge on the subject (you can read some old threads that run for several pages...).

    IMO the best is that you read Gentile Times Reconsidered by Carl Olof Jonsson. It is a very well researched work.

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