OK here's an interesting story for you.

by loosie 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • loosie

    You know how when you explain how it was being a JW to people who haven't been JW's before sometimes they just don't get it?

    Well good friend ( that I made on the outside ) we had a heart to heart. She told me that she knew before I even told her that I was a JW. (this was 4 years ago) She WANTED to be my friend. But I was kinda stand offish ( you know don't hang out with worldly people and all )

    She wrote a prayer for her prayer box. The prayer was that I find out the truth about my religion.

    Well I finally did.

    She told me. "It takes more courage to leave something you familiar with because they are wrong then it does to stick with it because it's comfortable."

  • Highlander

    That'a an interesting experience.

    Recently my dad told me, that despite being an inactive dub since the 80s,, he still finds it awkward to take that next step and associate with non dubs.

    As he said to me,, it must be from the indoctrination that was done from such a young age. It just stays with you.

    Your friend is very observant. Sounds like a great friend too.

  • misanthropic
    It takes more courage to leave something you familiar with because they are wrong then it does to stick with it because it's comfortable.

    Very true. One of my friends is a Christian (I forget which denomination) but she's always switching churches trying to find that one church she feels is in that denomination (which she was raised in) that teaches the "true gospel". In fact recently she was talking about maybe uprooting to another state to try out a church she read about online. Her mom does the same thing, switching church after church looking for the right one because she too was raised in that denomination. They are always getting upset because every church they attend is corrupt in some way or other. It never occurs to them to even think about other possible churches that aren't in their denomination or to maybe even dig a little deeper than that.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Another wierd thing is this:

    Folks that are Not in/Not out....just borderline, but, know the WT is whacked: they STILL view someone that has made a clean break as an APOSTATE!

    And, they view you with supreme suspicion.

    This has been an odd experience for me.


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