My first post was just over 6 months ago - and what a ride it has been. Just want to give a shout out and a big Thanks to everyone on the board that has had my back and my best interests in mind over the past few months. Wouldn't have my current balanced perpective on things - and I certainly wouldn't have the peace of mind that I do now without you all!
What a change! My journey
by Billzfan23 6 Replies latest jw experiences
More than welcome bro.
You are welcome billz, you've helped us as well
I'm really glad you are starting to recover from everything you have been through. This board is really an amazing source of support and encouragement isn't it.
Happy for you!
Best of luck with everything!
You are very welcome, everyone here benefits in one way or another at some time or another!!
We'll just have to try harder to keep you off balance!! Why should you be so different? carmel