Some questions I had when an individual was disfellowedshipped by a Judicial Committee: You may know of someone who could use some of this info.
I was used by this body and lied to concerning this case. I did not serve on it.
What training did a certain elder have in matters of ethics / jurisprudence prior to sitting in judgment on the Judicial Committee? New elder on the case.
Did he come to his own conclusions in agreement or was he persuaded to change his decision based on peer pressure? Did he judge on the basis of association rules and not the Bible? No shepherding visit prior to Judicial hearing?
Evidence on the first two meetings without the accused present? Ist and 2nd hearing invalid based on the first. Why was a decision made without hearing the accused first? Wall of confidentiality violated because of time constraints, why? What authorization do you have to proceed without the accused? Is this authorization from organization rules, society procedures etc or God's Word the Bible? Where in God's Word?
Does the organization take presidence over the Bible when eternal life is involved? Emotional state involved, Jeremiah 17:10. Neglect of elders lack of concern. Asking questions hard to answer because the wall of confidentiality is raised when it has already been violated. Things that lend to weakness, financial, emotional, difficulties are not wicked acts.
Letters written about the case that are presumptuous. Treatment, respect, dignity, integrity and justice. Just your word of assurance, confident in your claims of experience, how many cases have you dealth with? How long have you served, your qualifications, experiences on Judicial matters of this nature. Was the Bible respected as the ultimate basis for making decisions? Were all facts gathered before any conclusions or decisions could be made? Was there a predetermined outcome influenced from outside sources.
I had a personal phone call from the P.O. who was serving on this Judicial Committee and the appeal that followed, I used the above material in our conversation and he admitted that there were mistakes made with this case, he had his regrets, however what was done is done.
The rank and file know only that the elders are cleaning the congregation up . Oh! really! You mean that they don't know about the mistakes and miscarriage of justice that was done to this individual? and how many others? Phone conversation came to an end. I stepped down soon after this. This is a synopsis, many other details were left out on purpose for protection of identities.
Some who are not familar with the ins and outs of the Judicial Commitees may find some of this helpfull.