Two more exams down!!

by sass_my_frass 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Have just finished the fourth and fifth of my 24-unit undergrad degree. The first exam was for a very easy unit. Last week I got a weird phone call that I thought was a telemarketer with extremely poor english who had somehow gotten my details. I told him to sod off and hung up, not really thinking about it. It turned out that he had a copy of the exam and wanted to sell it, and the uni knows, and they've recalled the exam. It's so irritating, because this unit was so lame that they can't possibly write another exam; they'd have to write another unit to find the material to test us on.

    Today's exam was statistics, and I rocked baby! I'm hoping I'm up for my first HD.

    Here's to moving on!!

  • free2think

    Congratulations Sass.

    I hope the rest of your exams go well too.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Well done sass - keep going

    I get what you mean about 'lame' topics - we get copies of past papers to try out and the paperss for one of my current modules have virtually the same questions. (Not really that the subject is lame, it's just that it's so narrow that there's only a certain number of questions to be asked!)

    I'll be doing my exams next week - 19 and 20! Only another 4 to go after this yayy!!

  • Blueblades

    19 to go! Congratulations! All the best to your future goals!


  • penny2
    the uni knows, and they've recalled the exam

    This means you have to do another exam? How annoying!!

    Congratulations on going for an undergrad degree though. Something you probably wouldn't have done had you remained an obedient JW!


  • ex-nj-jw

    Good job sass


  • juni

    Proud of you Sass!!

    Love, Juni

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