Update on my surgery, biopsy, etc

by asleif_dufansdottir 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    I had my colonoscopy and hemorrhoid surgery yesterday (sorry if that's oversharing but it's easier just to say what type of surgery up front ;) ).

    The prep for the colonoscopy was difficult, I couldn't have anything but clear liquids the day before, in addition to special stuff you have to drink to, as grandpa would have said, "clean you out good", and not even water yesterday. That was difficult because my check-in time was so late (2 pm). That was made even worse when I got back to pre-op and the nurse said my doctor was running 2-3 hours behind due to a particularly difficult surgery that morning (just what I wanted, last surgery of a hard day!!). Thank goodness she hooked me up to IV right away, as I have to take a diuretic for blood pressure and get dehydrated.

    Of course I was *out of it* after surgery so the doc talked to hubby, who is not the best reporter of verbatim conversations, but apparently the colonoscopy shows I'm "just fine" in that area of my anatomy, and the lump that the surgeon told me he wanted to biopsy because it might be anal cancer turned out to be a "non-healing fissure" so that was good news but the bad news was he had to cut quite a bit more as a result (I guess he didn't need to even biopsy it but I'll ask - as I said hubby is not the best reporter, me being in the hospital upsets him greatly).

    I was nauseus from the anesthesia and threw up in recovery (yet again). And the percocet made me violently, violently ill from 11:30 to 2:30 (the middle of the night is always pleasant to be hugging the toilet). Hubby was really kind of bitchy because we didn't get out of the hospital til 8:30 (he kept trying and trying to wake me up in recovery so we could leave). He gets up for work at 5:30 so he wanted to get home, get me taken care of and get to bed.

    (warning of what might be construed as moderately adult content below)

    I'm wondering if another reason for his irritability was that, when the doctor came out to see him after the surgery, he quizzed him about whether we engaged in anal sex (we don't). I got the impression (since DH didn't want to discuss it *at all*) the doc thought that this was the cause of my condition of that part of my anatomy (which apparently the doctor considered fairly serious). From hubby's reaction it wasn't just an "oh, by the way" type of question. ;) He told me to "call the doctor yourself" if I want to know what he said after the surgery (!). I'll have to do that anyway as the percocet is obviously not going to work and it was *thoroughly impressed* upon me my all the nurses and docs I saw today that this was a very painful recovery and I should prevent pain rather than try to get it under control after it starts.

    This all strikes me as kind of odd because none of the stuff I looked up on non-healing anal fissures (isn't the internet wonderful) says anything about anal sex other than as an aside...but then I'm chalking this up to hubby's reporting style rather than the surgeon.

    I'm still nauseus but apparently I'll survive.

    I have to go in for a more detailed mammogram but they can't get me in until the last of June for that one (sigh).

    I wanted to let everyone who'd offered their support know (besides, I can't sleep when I'm nauseus ;) )


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    I'm glad you came through the surgery ok (apart from feeling rough) and that the dreaded 'c' has been ruled out. Maybe they'll analyse what was removed just to make sure. I hope the mammogram results come back ok as well when you finally get it.

    As for hubby, maybe its a combination of his schedule being upset, worrying about you and what the doc said, coupled with you not feeling on top of the world - I don't know about you but when I'm feeling down, I'm very prone to misinterpret others' comments and behaviour.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, take good care of yourself (and hubby!)

  • free2think


    That must be such a relief for you and your husband. I'm glad it's all over with, although sorry you felt so rough afterwards. I used to start crying uncontrollably when I came round from anesthetic, which was always quite embarressing.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery.


  • juni


    Thanks for the update. Those preparations for the colonoscopy are the pits!!!! But it's good that it wasn't cancer. My mom years ago had a fistula near her rectum. Extremely painful surgery. Is that the same as a fissure? I know a fissure is a tear.

    Yeah. Perhaps your husband was upset........ actually I don't want to comment on his behavior cause I might say something I'd regret later. I'm sure if it were he that had this going on he'd want your bedside support. Am I right?

    Anyways. ........There has got to be another painkiller besides Percocet which is pretty strong. Something that won't make you vomit as that isn't keeping the pill down or doing your incision any good either.

    God I feel for you. Are you supposed to at some time take a sitz bath (lower your bottom in warm water) for pain relief?

    I remember after having my first baby who was over 9# they had to make a much longer episiotomy cut and that sucker WAS SORE.

    Perhaps PM MsMcDuckett. She's a RN or else Merfi. She also is a nurse. They could give you some tips to relieve the pain.

    Hugs with love to you. By the way, I wouldn't worry about the anal sex questions. These things happen for whatever cause.



    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Glad you are non-cancerous - whew that must have been a relief. Hope the recovery goes well.

    Can I ask a rather sensitive and ignorant [on my part] question?

    At some relatively imminent point in this recovery and healing process, you are going to have to use that orafix for it's intended purpose. How does one not undo the repairs at that point? And wouldn't such natural actions bring about an increased chance of infection in the repair?

    Sorry in advance.


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Juni - re: comments on the husband...don't worry about saying something you'll regret. This hasn't been his finest hour, trust me. He was downright bitchy when we got home. I know he's worried about a lot of things, including the money (I just got my MA and am not employed yet althought student health insurance is covered til the first of Aug), and he was tired...but basically he was being a jerk. He was actually pissed I was throwing up (not *at* me, necessarily, just pissed). After 25 years, I recognize when he's being a jerk, whether I'm doped up from surgery or not.

    The doc called in a new pain pill and anti-nausea pill prescrip for me but I have to wait til hubby gets home from work for it. (He doesn't get sick or vaca pay so he didn't take much time off work - he just left an hour early to be there when I got into recovery, which of course he wouldn't have needed to do since the surgeon was running so late...which pissed him off too).

    Jeff-apparently the first few bowel movements are the reason for the major painkillers I don't know yet as this afternoon was the first time I could keep anything down (so far). You are given a stool softener and metamucil (etc). Don't be embarrassed, I actually asked the nurse your question about cleanliness, infection, etc. She said that since the incision is stitched up there's less risk. And also I have to do the sitz bath thing several times a day. They gave me all the signs of infection to watch for etc but apparently it's not terribly common if the surgery and post-op care is done well.

    Feeling somewhat better, the nausea is *almost* gone...


  • juni

    Thanks Liz for your response.

    I'm glad you got the doc to get you something else. You'll be all right. It's just a very sensitive area. Those stitches pulling are a bugger too.

    Love, Juni

  • Sunspot

    Oh dear (((((LIZ!!!!))))) I am so glad that it wasn't cancer...not that the next few weeks will be a picnic, but you will be getting BETTER each day! YAY!

    Thanks for taking the time and energy to post----I have been worried about you. I stopped here because I had MY doctor's appointment late yesterday, and I was going to pop over to my thread to catch things up on the "latest" in my world.

    You'll need lots and lots of hugs as you get back to normal again....



  • hamsterbait

    My Hugs are being transmitted.

    I went through all that when I started passing blood.

    Fortunately the tumor was not malignant - but not knowing that when they have just found it is a horrible feeling. Wierd thing is the bleeding was not caused by the tumor - but the doc said that the tumor would prolly have turned malignant in time, so I had been v. lucky.

    The hunger and nausea are the two worst things.

    Fingers crossed for your mammogram


  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    So glad for you that it's not cancer. Hope you feel better soon. I sometimes wonder which is worse, pain or nausea.

    As far as your husband acting like a jerk.... I think most men can't handle it when someone is sick, especially their wife or kids. My husband has never been helpful when I've been sick. Even when I gave birth to our son 25 years ago, he would quickly pop in and say that he couldn't stay too long because he was going sailing. I was in for 18 days with an infection. Yet when he is sick I take care of him. Don't know what it is. Maybe they feel because they can't fix it they walk away.

    Anyway so glad you are better. The not knowing can take a toll on you.

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