Revelation: It's Divine Fulfillment A Done Deal!
by Nathan Natas 6 Replies latest social humour
It's breathtaking to see CURRENT EVENTS fulfilling Bible prophecy!!
Wow, the same kind if BS that they write today. And the dubs still buy it because they never think that maybe, just maybe, this has all been done before.
Nathan Natas
Hey, youse guys, be careful you don't blaspheme: these are God's CHOSEN SPOKESMEN you're talking about!
Don't believe me? Just ask them! They wouldn't lie about something so important.
"...We are Gozer's Keymasters, we speak out with fearlessnes..."
So, yer tellin me I ain't gotta go to Tuesday night book study till we start another book then?
johnny cip
nathan; by posting this great knowledge, your going to make the price of the "finished mystery" go up on e bay. i better grab a copy before they go over $300. and any honest hearted lover of truth. can clearly see that if you add 360 years to the year 1518 . you get that god choose the wt in 1878... i thought all the earthquakes that meant anything all happened after 1914. but i stand corrected 1755 was a great year of jehovah to cause earthquakes. maybe you can post the page that says you add 1260 years to the year 539A.D. and you get the time of the end started in 1799. i just love bible truth and the gospel age from 1874-1914.
Brain Dead
The big answer to why so many people are Jws. is because they are not well educated for one and they don't analise any thing that is fed into them, free thinkers are frowned on
Eat ignorance and you become ignorant, eat wisdom and you become wise