Abstain from.... things strangled

by drew sagan 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Not to long ago a saw a post floating around that had some comments discussing how the WTS has basically never really given any opinion on what it means to abstain from things strangled as described in Acts 15. We all know that thousands upon thousands of things have been said about 'blood' as mentioned in that passage, but in searching through the literature I have found nothing that describes 'things strangled'.

    Is there anywhere in the literature that goes into detail on this at all? Or do they refuse to give comments on this at all?

  • Gopher

    Hopefully some with "Watchtower Publications on CD" will chime in.

    From what I remember, the argument given was that if an animal was strangled, it would not have been "properly" bled and the meat should (according to the WTS) not be eaten.

  • DJK

    This is the thread Gopher may be talking about. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/131126/2330187/post.ashx#2330187

  • restrangled

    How about restrangled???!!!!!!


  • DJK
    How about restrangled???!!!!!!


  • Leolaia

    Yeah that was my post.

    It's a really simple point. The recommendation about avoiding meat from strangled animals is mentioned alongside the recommendation on avoiding blood. The Society makes a HUGE deal about the latter and hardly shows any concern at all about the first. But it has been known for a number of years that some animals that enter our food supply are killed via strangulation. That should be a HUGE deal to the Society. JWs could be advised to eat only kosher, halal, or organic meat. But no such stance is taken.

  • Mary

    Maybe this is what they're talking about:

  • SacrificialLoon

    even strangled.... chicken?

  • thecarpenter

    Is this the same as choking the chicken?

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