Looks really, really interesting:
From the website:
"This course will use modern historical methodologies to explore both classical and modern historians, ancient historical methods, the genre of history and how to apply modern methodologies to a variety of ancient texts and classical historians.
Classical Historians (Free Online Resources at the Bottom)
1. Justin
2. Caesar
3. Tacitus
4. Suetonius
5. Josephus
6. Arrian
7. Eusebius
Modern Historians
1. H.G. Wells
2. Michael Grant
3. Richard Carrier
4. Bart Ehrman
I’ll be supplying a lot of the resources (all of the Classical Historian texts) used for this class, however additional resource material could be used, although will not be supplied by me. Here is a list of excellent books which will help understand this class, and promote better self-education in history and historical methodologies.
• Richard Carrier, Sense and Goodness Without God: A Defense of Metaphysical Naturalism
• Michael Grant, Greek and Roman Historians: Information and Misinformation
• Louis Feldman, Jew and Gentile in the Ancient World: Attitudes and Interactions from Alexander to Justinian
• Robert M. Price, The DaVinci Fraud: Why the Truth is Stranger than Fiction
• Teresa Morgan, Literate Education in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds
• Robert Jones Shafer, A Guide to the Historical Method (Dorsey Series in History)
• Martha C. Howell, From Reliable Sources: An Introduction to Historical Methods
• Konrad H. Jarausch, Quantative Methods for Historians: A Guide to Research, Data and Statistics
• William V. Harris, Ancient Literacy (British Museum)"