I did need water today, it was flippin 90 degrees, and the makeup I so carefully apply was melting off my face. I'm still gorgeous though....
Anywho, I was just reading kerj2leev, can $25 dollars make a difference, and it hit me! I gotta post on JWD about WATER.
Of course, most of us know that so many people in poor countries don't have access to clean water. It affects their whole lives. The villages that do get a clean fresh and steady supply of water start having a mini-economic boom. Their children aren't dying from parasites from filthy contaminated water. They are not walking miles to a mudbath and scooping up fifty pounds of water to place on their heads for the treck back. They are actually able to spend their time in more profitable ways, and not get sick.
So, as we know, there are people who will go out there on the ground if they have the funds. Water for those who don't have it has been on my mind and heart for awhile, I just don't ALONE have the funds to say, donate enough to have a well drilled.
BUT, wouldn't it be AWESOME if we had some sort of JWD fundraiser, where there was a third party account or something (I don't know how to fundraise, if you need a permit or whatever) where we could raise enough money for a WELL that would known as the JWD well or something?
If that's not possible I do know of organizations that do go in there and they can have you specifically donate money for a well. Like Oxfam.com. What can we do? Would you all like to raise some money for a well? Unfortunately I don't have thin mints, but I make really good snickerdoodles if anybody wants cookies.
Thanks for reading this, and thank you if you are at all interested!
by smellsgood 4 Replies latest jw friends
hmmmm, ok, looks like everyone is on board with me. Good to know I'm not the only one who feels strongly about this. Oh wait, I'm replying to myself. :) I know the thread title wasn't very gripping but come on,,,,anyone? I wish I had a kiss for George Clooney to auction off...
That's a good idea, but Im so broke I cant pay attention.
LOL Junction-Guy, s'ok, thanks for your reply!
You're welcome. It is a good idea though. What about finding a village in africa that the JW's are preaching to, and build the well there, Im sure that would gripe the JW's.