Computer repair pros: Is my monitor going?

by frozen one 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I have a Sony Vaio laptop with an XGA TFT screen. Not a clue what that means. Anyway, there is a thin line running vertically through the monitor. The line just showed up today. Does this mean my screen is on its last legs? Can it be repaired or do I need to replace it? Any advice would be appreciated. The line is really annoying.

  • needproof

    Not entirely sure, but it sounds like dead pixels. Hold on one moment and I might have some kind of answer.

  • Paralipomenon

    That's rather odd for a LCD screen. Usually individual pixels burn out of LCD screens, a whole line all at once is rather odd. I would suggest making sure your video drivers are up to date and/or compatible. The symptom doesn't sound like screen failure to me.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    monitor is screwed...from what I know those are not repairable .. u need a replacement screen

  • needproof

    Been told by a reliable source that these are in fact dead pixels, some new monitors come with dead pixels since manufacturers are allowed to get away with a small number on the screen when they are made, but since these have just appeared on your screen, it doesn't mean your monitor is on the way out; it just means that you have a few dead pixels - commonplace on LCD displays. You can get the screen replaced.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Thanks for the replies. I guess I'll have to take it to the shop. Any idea what a new screen costs? Maybe I'd be ahead getting a new laptop. This was a high end laptop back in the day, but I'm sure its a relic by now (3+ years old).

  • needproof

    Should cost around $300, this company deals in them

    Perhaps not worth replacing the whole lot unless you really want to or have the budget to do so?

  • Jim_TX

    RE: How much it will cost -

    I am guessing here, but from past experience, you'll probably be paying more for a replacement screen than you would for a new laptop.

    Why? They will need to order an exact replacement. It is an old model, etc. (I think you get the idea.)

    Good Luck.


    Jim TX

  • What-A-Coincidence

    if the line bothers you...turn it into a desktop system and hook it up to an LCD screen.

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