Sorry.....trying to learn. Is this a once-a-month meeting or something for the JWs?? Where does it take place??
by lavendar 8 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry.....trying to learn. Is this a once-a-month meeting or something for the JWs?? Where does it take place??
It is less frequent than monthly it occurs two or three times a year though the summer one is very big with JWs attending from a very large area and is in fact called a convention.
There are two types -- circuit and district. District is the bigger once a year one in the summer, circuit is smaller and one invariably occurs in the fall/winter and sometimes winter/spring. It usually has speakers from their headquarters, sometimes new literature releases, and is the place to be for policy changes. Those wanting to be baptized are also baptized there.
Twice a year, they have what is called the "circuit assembly" this is when about 1000 local JW's get together and have a special weekend of talks, sometimes it is held in a JW assembly hall, and sometimes they rent smaller arena's for these.
I hope this helps.
So...regarding the District Assembly. Is there just ONE meeting place for this Assembly in the country? And Witnesses from all over the country come to it?
Also, can a person ONLY be baptised at an assembly?? Or does each individual KH do baptisms??
Lavendar, there are 1 million JW's in the US, so there is no facility big enough to hold them all.
They have many district conventions throughout the US, usually held in the summer.
Each disrict convention has about 5-15 thousand people.
Most baptisms are held either at the circuit assembly or the district convention. They used to baptize people at the kingdom halls, but they dropped that practice back in the 60's I believe.
Thank you, Junction-Guy. I appreciate the info. Yeah, I guess that would be a lot of JWs all in one place! (Scary!)
an assembly is when they put you in a room, that is usually either super hot or super cold... you are surrounded with as many people as they can fit in the room so that you are even more uncomfortable and they talk at you until you are almost asleep.... it is a wonderful way to really indoctrinate you....
when you are uncomfortable and tired, your mind is most maleable... this is where they do as much brainwashing as possible
the infamous one
Yeah, I guess that would be a lot of JWs all in one place! (Scary!)
Actually they did have all the JW's in one place back when they were a much smaller organization. The last times they did that were in 1953 and 1958 in New York City. In 1958, they spread the assembly between Yankee Stadium and the Polo Grounds (which no longer stands) across the street. They had a quarter of a million JW's there from around the world (including my own parents). They set up special housing accomodations referred to as "tent cities".