I wrote a fictional book that incorperates a lot of how I believe, in a fantasy and some what sci fi story line. It is only about 140 pages long and I really enjoyed writing it. My spouse thinks it is fun and original, but I did not write it to get published. I see such a thing as near impossible in this day and age, when a friend of mine who once worked at a publishing house told me about how many thousands of manuscripts they received daily. So I was thinking, 'how could I make something of this, on my own?' So I thought, 'what if I formatted it, printed it up and took it to a place like Kinko's and bound my own book, only just a few copies.' I concluded, 'that would be a nice page of my life to pass down from generation to generation.' What do you think?
I completed my book
by free2beme 8 Replies latest jw friends
pdf it and post so that we can enjoy it
Honestly, it is huge. But I might do that, once I complete a final edit. I feel like I can mark a "must do" off my list of things I wanted to accomplish in this life. Yet at the same time, I now find a desire to write another, and just might have opened a mental flood gate of creativity.
If you need a proof reader, just let me know
That's brilliant free2beme. I've read some of your stories on here, so think you'll definitely be read.
just might have opened a mental flood gate of creativity.
My own floodgate opened up and it seems to be brief, about six months and now I'm struggling to finish the book I started two months after it opened up. About 100 pages now and I'm only halfway there. Spending too much time on the JWD hasn't helped, haha.
Publishers go to literary agents with requests for specific material. IE; if you write a Chinese cookbook and they request Japanese, a literary agent probably wont accept your book.
I read a book called "Writing for the soul", where the author, Jerry Jenkins, claims he wrote 125 book's, yes 125, before he finally had a book published. I had to ask myself, "Is this guy a bad writer or is the publishing industry that hard to get into?" My recent college teacher is a self published author because it is that hard to get into. If you really really want it published, if it's the only book you may write and you can make the investment, self published may be the way to go.
Another thing I will mention, How do you sell a self published book? Literally from the trunk of your car.
Well done free2berne!
You could always try publishing it as an ebook. Here's a link to one of I'm sure many sites that specialise in that
I know where you are coming from. I submitted my manuscript to five publishers, each returning a rejection slip. That was when I decided to go the self-publishing route.However, you have to do your homework correctly before going this route.Marketing your book becomes a business of its own.
Best of luck.