Two, maybe three questions

by Flowerpetal 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flowerpetal

    These questions aren't related to each other; just some thoughts that came into my head:

    1) Do you like living in the time zone you are in? or better yet, would you want to live or are you happy living near the International Date Line?

    2) Do you believe any of the news organizations know more truth to the news than what they report on TV?

  • eclipse

    I like the time zone I am in....

    Yes, I believe they always know more to the story than they report, they are often not legally allowed to disclose all the info.

  • Flowerpetal

    The reason why I asked about the time zone, is that if one lives in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, you would be a day ahead of the rest of the world. I kind of like that.

    Since news agencies do seem bound to not report everything, we could say thank God for Bill Maher, Glenn Beck and other commentators!!

  • Leolaia

    I don't like how the news media and programming is biased towards the east coast than the west. And sometimes I miss some sports coverage (i.e. tennis) because one network hands coverage off to another in the middle of a match, and I get network TV from local Pacific coverage and cable TV from East Coast via satellite. On the other hand, one benefit is that I get to watch during the day cable news shows that air in the East in prime time.

  • frankiespeakin

    I like the news from independant news like Democracy Now:

    I don't really trust those that get grants from big cooperations, or that are owned by them, they are often biased or if they rely to heavily on top level government officials because you get more spin than news.

    Bill Moyer has a 10 part video on youtube about how the the media is being bought off :

  • RollerDave

    Why Flowerpetal, you 'sick twisted freak' you!

    I'm a fan of Glenn Beck myself, always both entertaining and enlightening!

    Roller (of the 'sick twisted freak' class)

  • jaguarbass

    I would think news about the United States and President Bush is Propaganda, And the American people hear exactly what Bushes Propaganda minister wants us to hear.

    People are consumers and controlled by the multinational corporations.

  • Flowerpetal

    Yes, Roller, I am a "sick, twisted freak!!"

    And I agree with Jaguar. Frankie, I'll check out those websites. Thanks.

    Leolaia, wHen I was in California visiting my cousins, I got a taste of what you are talking about. Takes some getting used to, for sure!

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