They will isolate you from the congregation, depending, right?
So, I reason to know exactly what you want to achieve. Is it for yourself or for others trapped. Figure a shrew way to achieve it and plan it best you can.
If you're there to expose the WT for what it is, perhaps--away from the hall--do one-on-one with those hurting needing love, with those showing signs of being able to think and reason for themselves.
You might go to congregation(s) where they don't know you, and test doing your thing. If they don't know you and you want immediate contact, go to their bulletin board and starting reading everything. They will start to gather around you to find out what you are doing [this was my experience].
They usually have immediate primary questions usually, right.
What is your name?; Where are you from? I would use a new name.
Overall, you have a good chance to help if you can do it. When you quit have a written statement ready. Give the statement out to as many as you can before you give it to an elder. This way they can't lie about why you quit, right. And they will lie if they want to. Here is the way I quit:
I stood up. “May I have your attention a moment.” The faces were typical: pious, scorning, wide-eyed with indignant surprise, and accusing. I had broken the pecking-order control system of the congregation. Without authorized introduction, I had spoken out to the congregation in bold reckless urgency.
“I would like to announce that as of this moment, I am no longer one of Jehovah’s Witness. I now disassociate myself from the Columbia Heights Congregation [Minnesota] of Jehovah’s Witnesses. [Actually, I realized later that I was excommunicating the Watchtower organization en masse.] [I am proud of what I did.]
An elder rushed up to me and tore the paper I was reading out of my hand. I didn’t care much since I was going to give it to him anyway. Three days later this elder called me and said, “We have decided to accept your dissociation,” as though only they could decide if I could quit. What arrogance, I thought! Later they lied to the congregation that I had been “disfellowshipped,” as though they had some grounds for using their form of religious excommunication. Little did I know I was graduating from the third grade that I had been kept in for so long spiritually.