Is it proper for witnesses to use racial comments?

by NotaNess 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotaNess

    A few times, a couple of witnesses I work with have used a phrase about someone who's like a Jew when it comes to their money, or saying a person likes to "jew" them down on pricing.

    One time it was even applied to another witness. "He's becoming like a Jew with his money"

    How do you view this? Could this be because of not agreeing with the religion, that makes them feel it's fair game to take a poke at Jews?

  • blondie

    Rutherford blamed the economic ills of his time and world on the "commercial jews."

    The question is does a jw stop using such terms when they realize that they are racial or just use them among their "private" friends? Do they really believe that God watches and hears what they see?

    "It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American
    empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a
    means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many
    nations." The Watchtower Society, 1934 submission to Hitler

    Part I - The Declaration of Facts

    My experience there are jws that know what they are saying is racist and those that haven't a clue.

    Doubtless many of you have heard that the Jews shall again rule the earth. This has been much misunderstood. Not every man who is a descendant of Abraham is a Jew, by any means. Be it known once and for all that those profiteering, conscienceless, selfish men who call themselves Jews, and who control the greater portion of the finances of the world, will never be the rulers in this new earth. God would not risk such selfish men with such an important position. [12]

    12. The Golden Age, Feb. 23, 1927, p. 343.

    So, no, officially, the WTS does not feel it is proper but differentiates between deliberate and ignorant use. When no longer ignorant of the racial connotations, and a jw continues, truly makes you wonder if they believe God exists and hears them?



    Jews and Blacks have always been a problem in the WBT$..I`ve heard it first hand..I`m White..I mean,Whitey White!!..We have all races and colours in our family..And..We`re Family!!..Don`t mess with Family!!..Straight up!!...OUTLAW

  • jaguarbass

    How do you view this? Could this be because of not agreeing with the religion, that makes them feel it's fair game to take a poke at Jews?

    I think the jews have established themselves as money mongers. Ones who will pursue profit to the detriment of mankind. Even in their religion the bible their God Jehober told them not to charge each other interest. But they are too greedy. Then again maybe they dont charge each other interest. Maybe they just charge us gentiles interest.

    The Jews control the media and hence they ram down your throat what they want you to believe, which is to your detriment if your not a jew. The Jews and their illusionary banking system have everybody on a treadmill to survive. Those that awake from the trance from time to time take a poke at the jews.

    Did I say that the jews also control the banking system. Usury, people who look up the meaning of that word tend to take a poke at the jews.

    If religion is a organized sytem of beliefs and behaviors. And the jewish religion screws the gentile. I think the gentile pokes at the jewish religion.

    What say you?

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    It is improper or any human being who bears the name of Christ to insinuate any racial or nationalist or ethnic or gender slur against a fellow human for whom Christ died.

    Not even in jest.


  • ninja

    one time I was saying how much I hated the marathon,100 metres and relay....I was accused of being...ahem...racist....okay I'm going I'm going......slam

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