I am not a JW, never been, never will be. However, I have a cousin who has been one for a few years. I have read a lot about it online. I watched that old documentary from 1986 on google videos tonight.
Now I knew there was some screwy stuff going on, I just had no idea how screwy.
See the thing that I am confused about is just how strict the organization is nowadays. I assume it is just as strict as it was way back when. I know that my cousin attends the Kingdom Hall regularly. But I don't think that he and his family do the "knocking on doors" thing. Or at least I have never heard of them doing it. Also he and his wife are the only JWs in my entire extended family. They come to family gatherings that are not associated with any particular holiday or birthday. His wife goes to baby showers.
Ok let me get to the point. Are they supposed to be fraternizing with the rest of us at all? When I saw the extremes of that old documentary I was taken aback. Was that documentary completely truthful? Is it still that bad now?
My sister's sister-in-law, is also apparently a JW. BUT she is not all that involved with the organization that much anymore. My cousin's grandmother passed away two weeks ago. My sister and I were discussing how my cousin cannot attend his grandma's memorial service because it is going to be at a catholic church. My sister said that her sister-in-law told her that exceptions can be made in those situations. ????? Um, I thought they could not go into a church at all. Then I mentioned disfellowship. Again my sister told me that her sister-in-law informed her that exceptions can be made.
I am freakin' confused right now. Does the JW org tell their followers that they can do things they are not supposed too? Is it more lax than it was before?
I apologize if this is in the wrong section. I was not sure where to post it.