The society has face book entries ! LMAO

by Crumpet 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    I just joined facebook folks so if you have add me - my email addy is [email protected]. But while I was browsing I found a facebook entry for the London Clapton Circuit Overseer visit - how funny!

    Wonder if lil Simone there has been invited to a judicial yet!

  • Crumpet

    In fact there are 38 people calling themselves Jehovah on there too - lol! With pictures - very interesting! Jehovah looks a lot like Rasputin!

  • Scully
  • kifoy

    There are sevral events created as well with names like:

    "Follow the Christ!" District Convention
    Memorial of Christ Jesus' Death (The Last Supper)


    There are not so many attending, though.

    And there actually are 52 people that openly says they are witnesses in their profiles.
    And a lot of those stupid Norwegians even have an open profile...


  • kifoy

    Kifoy was a bit too fast moving when she wrote:
    "And there actually are 52 people that openly says they are witnesses in their profiles.
    And a lot of those stupid Norwegians even have an open profile... "

    After some reconsideration, I think only a few of them really are JWs.
    Why someone will say they are JWs when they're not, I really don't know...



  • Crumpet

    I am soooo addicted to facebook. Took me 20 minutes and I have a date with a cute cute hot soldier on leave from the war on terror. I wonder, is it rude to ask him to wear his uniform?

    And guess what I found: a familiar face!!!!! On a group called "Against Jehovah's Witnesses Knocking on Our Doors":

  • free2think

    ROTFLMAO. Too funny.

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