JW Are Very Very Tolerant!!!
I think most JW are very tolerant, for instance look at how tolerant they are of members who are child molesters, as long as they are loyal to the organization and don’t have 2 witnesses to their crime, they are allowed to hold positions of trust (Elder, MS, Pioneer, …)
A congregation in San Diego, that I once was an elder in, after I left made a convicted child molester, who served prison time, a ministerial servant.
This toleration is exclusive though, to members and not that great for nonmembers, for let a clergyman or member of another religion be accused of child molestation, and to them it’s proof they are not being used by God, and are hypocrites. On the other hand let a member of JW’s get caught being a child molester, and it’s “well we are all imperfect and we need to wait on Jehovah”.
So then JW’s are very tolerant towards their own members.
They are also very tolerant toward members who express gladness at the death of everyone not a JW at Armageddon.
As a former member I can say that probably most don’t have this attitude towards those that we were taught, God is going to destroy. I personally didn’t like that teaching but felt it was true, because they were God’s organization and that it was wrong to doubt them.
As a JW I felt that it was important to feel love for my neighbor, but since they were all going to be destroyed soon you needed to try to harden yourself, so you would not be put to death yourself for feeling bad at their destruction by God. It would be considered wrong to be against God’s Just Judgment in your heart. So you work on your faith and fight and suppress any thoughts not in harmony with God’s judgments as taught by God’s channel.
I think those that show gladness to other JW’s at the destruction of the Infidels (nonJWs) may feel they are doing so to show how loyal they are to Jehovah’s judgments.
Or maybe it’s that they truly have overcome the uneasy feeling of billions getting slaughtered and can look at nonJWs as something less than human.
So while perhaps most JWs don’t feel gladness at the destruction of all nonJWs they are very tolerant of their members who do feel and express gladness.
That’s how I once viewed them anyway. It was like they are just a little over zealous and as long as they expressed this gladness only to member and not to those on the outside they were really OK.
So as long as they are loyal to the Organization they were better than worldly people. It wasn’t that important to have real love of neighbor, or feel sorry for worldly people because when Armageddon came they would deserve every thing they got.
Oh yes you were to SHOW love to your neighbor, but always with the hope they might see your DISPLAYS of love and be won over to the Organization.
But let members of another religion show the same type of hypocritical DISPLAYS and the JW’s will see the hypocrisy and show themselves disgusted.
David Wiltshire
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?