...we used to get when the Circuit Servant/Overseer/Area Douchebag manager would come to our congregation and give his "special talk" on Sunday complete with slides or a movie? It sure was a nice change from watching some guy up on the platform wearing a cheap suit and droaning on and on about nothing.
Remember how excited...
by El Kabong 7 Replies latest jw friends
My wife still does get excited about the CO coming and circuit and district assemblys!!
Beats me
It's sad sounding to me really. Our church and the "church family" gets these experiences magnified by 100, each week. How dull it must be in the WTS organization, based on everything I here on this forum.
I realize not all churches are real creative, edgy and high energy like ours but it sounds like going to a kingdom hall on a regular basis would bring me down. I went once, and it was like I was sitting in George Orwell's "1984" movie, and that's not a joke my friends.
my church:
Listen to some of the podscasts on some of our series that we've had, or the current one. "Quest for Treasure". The whole worship hall is decorated like "Pirates of the Carribean".
During some of my mens group nights I saw them hand weathering treasure chests and giant anchors and things for realism. We have a blast there. The home page stage shot is pretty much how service opens and closes....great worship songs, it's like a concert every weekend with great biblical teaching and life lessons, I couldn't ask for more.
During some of my mens group nights I saw them hand weathering treasure chests and giant anchors and things for realism. We have a blast there. The home page stage shot is pretty much how service opens and closes....great worship songs, it's like a concert every weekend with great biblical teaching and life lessons, I couldn't ask for more.
The witness, they have a blast building kingdom halls quickly.
"Building KH Fast"
This, I hear....
-that's funny JB
Alligator Wisdom
we used to get when the Circuit Servant/Overseer/Area Douchebag manager would come to our congregation
I still see the elders scurrying to get in their token shepherding calls during the final weeks before the CO visit, so that they can answer in the affirmative when asked during their CO/Elders meeting.
I still see the service overseer scurrying to make his appointed visits to each book study group during the final weeks before the CO visit.
I still see the secretary scurrying to the back room to handle tons of paperwork and to have them in order during the final weeks before the CO visit.
I still see the PO scurrying about and approaching each publisher to insure that they can accomodate the CO in terms of transportation, field service, meals, Bible studies to go to...etc.
Yes, when the CO is coming to town....there is excitement in the air!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
P.S. I, in turn, got the CO excitedly frustrated when I refused eldership twice!
It's so sad that the JW's are subjected to propaganda promoting loyalty to a group of decievers in New York instead of leading them to Jesus.
Every day I thank God He pulled me out of that cult and placed me where I can worship Jesus and help others come to know Him as their Lord and Savior.
Yep.... I remember getting all excited for the circuit assemblies, special assembly days, district, etc...even as an adult. I never get excited anymore about Borg related special events (...with one exception..... I went to a special convention in Germany last year as a delegate...... and it was cool, esp since I did not understand a damn thing... only the GB talks and reports were in english....everything else I heard was in another language!...so I just read my bible and checked out all the gorgeous sisters from Holland.... Sri Lanka, India, .......in their saris.....yeah.... they were really beautiful... ..took lots of pictures and video of them!...wish I had not been "attached" at the time....
I never did not get too worked up about CO visits, even as an elder/pioneer, it was more a headache than anything..watching the other elders
shepherdingrun around like chickens with their heads cut off preparing for theCO visitdog and pony show. As a secretary I had my paperwork in order, so no scurrying for me (of course, because I was so bored with the meetings, I would often go into the library/elders room during the meeting, turn on the speakers, and do paperwork while half listening. Pissed the PO off...young buck said I was setting a bad example. (screw him).)Recently I missed the special assembly day. The PO gave me a DVD of it (good quality audio/video since it was directly off the assembly hall system... bad quality talks). I watched the closing talk from the bethel speaker (John Williams, anyone hear of him?) He gave the talk on ...what was it ..something about studying incessantly or something? no putting down the notes and telling us anything earth shattering...but it still sounded like crap. And the only thing I could think was, as I sat in the comfort of my living room in my jammies....... I used to sit through that crap and eat it up.... blechhhh
I am dreading the upcoming DC in Aug. No way am I going to all 3 days and miss work (I work mostly weekends, so it would hit me financially to miss 3 days of work)....
For those who have gone is there a particular day/session I should show up at (just to say I went and not send up red flags?) PM me if you have ideas here.
SnakesInTheTower (of the "not so excited anymore" Sheep Class)