What will it take for these fools to see the suffering they cause? They should put them in a prison, and show them slides of all the babys, the children, that have been blown to bit by their foolishness, until they finally get it.
I cry for the Babys, the Young, and the Fools, who make war.
by frankiespeakin 7 Replies latest jw friends
What will it take for these fools to see the suffering they cause? They should put them in a prison, and show them slides of all the babys, the children, that have been blown to bit by their foolishness, until they finally get it.
Who will look after the babies and children once the fools have been put in prison?
I suppose for now we can all cry for the babies, the young and the fools who make war and who knows - hurrah for possibilities. bernadette -
War mungers need to be deprogramed too, all this suffering is feeding the collective unconscious, very dangerous.
I feel for the Arabs, Jews and All. Oh the poor babys, that they tear up.
Why do we let these government and religions divide us? No one has rights, when it comes to those in power. torture disfigure, will we submit. oh the pain, oh the pain.
We need to as a species to question authority before we pull a trigger or detonate a bomb, we need to question authority. I don't think we will survive as a species, unless we do.
These mist covered mountains are home now for me
but my home is the lowlands and always will be
someday youll return to -- your valleys and your farms
and youll no longer burn to be brothers in arms
I just wish it could be that we could put all the world leaders in a boxing ring and let them duke it out and have the best man win.
I started this thread while dreamming (ayahuasca). The horror I felt was as real as life itself. I felt as if I had direct connection to what Carl Jung calls the "collective unconscious" of the human species. I felt the pain and horror of parents who have lost their children, the sadness, and the hate that this "war on terrorism"(or more correctly "war of terrorism") is storing up in the "collective unconsciousness" and felt the danger that this could unleash upon our species, as if a pressure cooker was about to explode, my heart felt deeply the need to cry and feel remorse with a deep groaning that only an altered consciouness could experience, and that it was benificial to let some of this pressure excape for the good of the entire species, and not let hatred and retailiation escalate and bring us to the point of inihilation. I'm left now with the feeling to be kinder and more sympathetic to our fellow man reguardless of race or religion.