if woman are the weaker ones(for lack of better words) why is it that they seem to be the ones that mostly believe before their husbands??????
another question, help please
by MUNKAFATS 6 Replies latest jw friends
That IS a good question, MUNKA!
I suppose in times past, when husbands were the breadwinners and wives generally stayed at home to raise the kids, they were more likely to encounter jws at the door. Maybe that was the reason.
I don't think either men or women are responding in droves to the jws door-to-door ministry nowadays. They don't find that many people in any more.
In my experience , women are more easier to engage in a conversation about spiritual things , a lot ( not all ) men dont like talking about how they "feel" about such subjects.
Then of course when confronted with the thought that if they dont take action their kids could be annililate does seem to play a big factor in them starting a bible study
And also more women are out in field service and more women are at home, so you can get friendly easier
Just my thoughts
Hi, and welcome.
First, you will find that most Christian religions have a larger contingency of women compared to men. Many men in the US anyway view religion as the women's responsibility. But jws have one of the highest percentages, 68%.
Second, the "preaching" work of jws is done mostly by women disproportionately even factoring out the first point. It used to be that women had more "free" time since they did not work outside the home. Now it seems that men see the "privileges" of being an elder or ministerial servant (pastor) are more important to "reach out" for than actually talking to people to make converts. Thus most people in the public, men or women, are preached to by a woman. Many men even say, "oh, that's my wife's area," call over the wife and disappear.
Third, many male jws while they are climbing the "corporate ladder" do spend more time being seen "preaching" and "turning in time" (10 hours/month is expected to progress to ministerial servant, then elder). Once they achieve "elder," the hours spent can drop dramatically around 6 or 7. Too low and they get scolded. But only men do the administrative duties; so the fewer men, the more the others have to do and buy out of their golf game.
There are others but that are the top three IMO.
(2 Timothy 3:6-7) . . .For from these arise those men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, 7 always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.
An argument could be made that it was predicted how cults would get their support.
True or not statistically, women seem to hold onto and carry guilt more readily. This makes them easier targets of "these men" as the scripture above shows.
We found that many women had secret emotional affairs with the elders and/or the image of the GB. Dissatisfaction with their own husbands or experiences with men leads some women to fall in love with the fantasy men presented to the congregation as "superior, elders, CO's etc". Even those who married a dub man who did not "reach out" could and did form these attachments.
Vernon Williams
There are a LOT of women that are from very abusive backgrounds that come into the Org. Very codependent....
One viewpoint,
Vernon W., I couldn't have said it better. You nailed it. Of course, the Watchtower always emphasized going after those "sighing and crying." I am a woman who was brought up to believe that men were the only ones who mattered, that we were here only to support their agenda and not to have our own. The women's movement in the '70's forced me to start thinking a bit. Anyway, a male dominated heirarchy such as the WT felt normal to me when I was young. Regards, SandraC