Bloody Mess

by faithful not discreet 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • faithful not discreet
    faithful not discreet

    Bloodless medicine and surgery has grown to where it is because of the fear of AIDS and other blood borne pathogens, not the crackpot stand of the JW's!!!!The only reason why they have made an impression on the medical world ,is because AIDS accelerated their cause.

    The org has the most confused and contradictory policy on blood.Not even their Hlc's know what is permissable. Just ask anyone who works the hospital information desk at any branch, how many calls they receive for direction on what is permissable!

    The members are confused, the Elders are double confused, the leadership have no idea! Here is one example...the bible makes some clear statements on the blood of animals. So why is it a matter of conscience for members to accept Haemopure a product derived from bovine[cow] blood.

    In my 16 years involvement in this issue at all levels,I am so regretful that I was cognitively stunted into supporting and assiting this awefully confused policy.[also compromised myself proffessionally] I wonder if we could even begin to appreciate the number of lives sacrificed in the name of arrogance and confusion!

  • jwfacts

    Hi FND and welcome to the board. I look forward to hearing more from you.

    I have known a number of people that wrote articles for the magazines and only 1 was anointed. At least half are no longer witnesses now either.

    In regards to blood, I agree it is a total mess. JWs are not the reason that non blood substitutes have been developed, for at least a century science have been trying to make substitutes. However, JWs have been a will supply of guinea pigs to test new and unproven techniques on.

  • zagor
    In my 16 years involvement in this issue at all levels,I am so regretful that I was cognitively stunted into supporting and assiting this awefully confused policy.[also compromised myself proffessionally] I wonder if we could even begin to appreciate the number of lives sacrificed in the name of arrogance and confusion!

    I would love to hear more of your story. While still a j-dub I had a friend there who lost his wife because of the same stupid policy. She bled to death and was conscious of what was going on to the very end. She left a couple of kids both under 3 years of age. Regardless of what one believes how can leaving two little ones at that age be lesser sin than taking blood or blood derivatives just blows my mind.

    This organization is blood guilty and they know it damn well. The funniest thing is when that representative from Crooklyn say that blood issue is "deep spiritual issue" and that no one has right to meddle in it, while in reality most dubs haven't got a slightest clue what bible really says and are only following that out of fear of being shunned. I've met quite a few people who aren't even aware of new policy of blood derivatives that are aloud. In fact, I've heard some elders deliberately dressing that as a "gray area" and as soon as you put it in that context for most faithful dubs that means only spiritually weak would do something like that.

  • unique1

    It is a clusterf$%*. I so agree. I can't believe I was so staunch about it either. But when it is all you are taught, sometimes you forget you can think for yourself. Welcome to the board. i look forward to hearing more from you.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Welcome! I look forward to reading your story.

    After I quit, I told everyone, I was so happy. I even told my doctors and they were so glad I quit and started to tell me about the patients they lost to this senseless doctrine. The Witnesses make the doctors out to be cold and heartless about the subject, but many doctors do feel guilty about not being able to save their patient.

  • LeslieV

    Welcome to the board, I am looking forward to hearing more about your life. I believe no one would even begin to comprehend the shear numbers that have lost their lives due to this needless doctrine. I doubt very much they would want it even publicized. It is amazing what people will due out of fear, and misaligned loyality. What is even more frightening is the number that lost their lives where now many of the procedures are allowed.

    I feel the sameway with those that lost their lives in Malowi...all over a 25cent political card. Now it would never be an issue. How dare they play God with people's lives. Makes you want to hurl.


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