Do JW's believe the third temple will be rebuilt?

by Bob Loblaw 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    So I just read this article "Strumming to the Third Temple" ( (beautiful harps btw) and it made me wonder if the WTS believes that a third temple will be built. Many religious Jews and evangelical/ fundamentalist Christians believe a third temple will be built, what about the JW's? Do they have any teachings on the subject?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think that back in the early days (CTR) there were great expectations placed in Zionism and the repatriation of Israel, but those beliefs were put aside and the emphasis was shifted to the SPIRITUAL nation of Israel; in other words, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

    History is all about THEM, you see.

  • kifoy

    The WTS talk about the "Jerusalem in Heaven" or someting, don't they?
    So the third temple is in heaven, maybe?


  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    Well, if the third temple is actually built one day,...that should make things rather interesting according to the doctrinal problems it poses for JW theology. There are a few movements who want to see this happen asap. The Temple Insitute ( and The Temple Mount Faithful ( and the newly reestablished Sanhedrin ( Here's an excerpt from the Sanhedrin: 28 Iyar 5765. The Sanhedrin calls upon all groups who work in the area of Temple and Temple Mount-related research and activity, to begin to prepare detailed architectural plans for the construction of the Holy Temple, towards the goal of its establishment in its proper place. The Sanhedrin will establish a forum of architects and engineers whose goal will be to implement this decision, so that detailed working plans are effectively brought to an operational stage. The Sanhedrin calls upon the Jewish people to contribute towards the acquisition of materials for the purpose of rebuilding the Holy Temple; the gathering and preparation of prefabricated, disassembled portions of this building to be stored and ready for rapid assembly, in the manner of King David. These contributions will be consider "chulin," i.e., non-sacred, for the purpose of the planning and construction of the Temple.

  • Mum

    The Mormons have already taken care of it. So sorry, Watchtower.



  • dust

    The House of Yahweh has already patented the third temple.

    United States Design Patent #360951
    Israeli Design Registration #23078

    So even though Armageddon didn't come yesterday, there is still hope for them. ;)

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