When someone new gets baptized do they the information to the tower? and when someone becomes one of thew regular pioneers do they already know ur baptism date at the tower? how does it work?
question need help!!
by wondering2007 6 Replies latest jw friends
Your baptism date is placed on the congregation records and the overseer can look it up when submitting your pioneer application. As to whether there is a copy of that record at Bethel/the Society headquarters, I don't know.
I toured the world headquarters of the WTS a while back.
They cannot keep records on all 6-7 million of their publishers, it's just too much. That's up to each local congregation, and those records are reviewed twice yearly by the travelling overseer.
But the headquarters do keep records of all with special appointments - like elder, pioneer, ministerial servants.
Also, they have records of thousands of pedophiles in the organization that have been identified but whose names are not released to the authorities or to JW parents who might benefit from knowing who the congregation weirdos are.
when the traceling overseer reviews these records what does he do amd for what?
when the traveling overseer reviews these records what does he do and for what?
I hope a former or current elder can jump onto this thread and give you a more complete answer. I know that the travelling overseer (circuit overseer) is supposed to report statistics back to the WT Society regarding publishers and their field service reports, also he considers recommendations of who should be added or deleted from their special appointments. If certain publishers became irregular or inactive in their "field service" (door to door and return-visit ministry) then he may seek to learn why and arrange shepherding calls.
i remember a long time agao they announced after the meeting they needed to meet with all the regular pioneers after the meeting and get their baptismal dates from them. why would they need this from them if they already have it on record. i wonder why they doi that?
I have no idea. I wonder if they lost some of the cards or they got burned in a house fire or something.