May you all have peace...
And may you know that there is absolutely NO significance to the year 1914, other than with historical value to THIS system of things (i.e., certain world leader assassinated; World War I... etc., etc., etc....)
But, with reference to my Lord 'arriving' and beginning his rulership, by the spirit of my Father that is in me, holy spirit, by means of Christ, I say to you that:
1. My Lord began RULING from the moment he was INSTALLED AND INAUGURATED... as a king AND priest... 'in the manner of Melchizedek'... which installation and inauguration was EVIDENCED... by the outpouring of holy spirit at PENTECOST... 30 CE (sorry, dear ones, but 33CE is an erroneous date contrived by the WTBTS to make their 607BCE, etc., 'fit'. Check your history, as well as the birth of my Lord's flesh, as well as the lunar calendar of both years... please.)
2. My Lord only 'arrives' twice... once before... in the flesh... and once more... in the SPIRIT. Had he 'arrived' in 1914, dear ones... he would have another 'arrival' to fulfill. In that light, what in the WORLD are we waiting for? But he will return, and at that time EVERY eye will see him, for he will manifest himself by means of 'opening' the eyes... and ears... of all mankind. What we cannot now see with the flesh... and what had not been reported to the kings of the earth, so that they will shut their mouths... WILL be seen. We will ALL be given eyes and ears of spirit, so as to see him. Whether we wish it... or not.
Please know that I have not been permitted to include 'scriptures' and 'verses' here, for the word of my Lord to you... those of you who have 'ears' to hear... is that your spirit WILL bear witness with this 'truth' and in walking by FAITH, you will not NEED the stone tablets to substantiate this truth for you. If, however, you LACK faith... and need to walk by sight, and see the matter 'proven' in the writings, ask... and you shall 'receive'.
Again, I bid you peace, and I am...
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ,