You've GOT to read this!!
by J-ex-W 2 Replies latest social humour
Cyber Disorders
The Cyber Disorders section includes disorders that have a dependency upon
cyberexistance as the predominant feature. The section is divided into three
parts. The first part describes e-mail episodes that serve as the building
blocks for the disorder diagnoses. The second part describes the Cyber
Disorders themselves. The criteria sets for most of the Cyber Disorders
require the presence or absence of the e-mail episodes described in the
first part of the section. The third part includes the specifiers that
describe either the most recent e-mail episode, or the course of recurrent
The Cyber Disorders are divided into Posting Disorders, Flaming Disorders
and CC Disorders. The Posting Disorders (i.e. Lurking Disorder, Chronic
Posting D isorder and Posting Disorder not Otherwise Specified) are
distinguished from the Flaming Disorders by the fact that there is no
history of ever having posted a Flame, or Flame-with-Apology. CC Disorders
(CC-All Disorder and Spam Disorder) may include episodes of Chronic Posting,
Flames, and/or Flame-With-Apologies but can be distinguished by the number
of addressees.
Lurking Disorder is characterized by one or more episodes of lurking (i.e.
at least two weeks of lurking or loss of interest in answering mail
accompanied by at least four additional symptoms of Lurking including high
on-line time balances, walking away from the computer while logged on,
composing posts and deleting them without sending them, etc.)
Chronic Posting Disorder is characterized by at least 4 weeks of posting to
a newsgroup or listserv more days than not, accompanied by additional Cyber
symptoms such as checking mail several times per day, posts in which the
content is shorter than the message header or sig, and messages of extreme
anxiety when list volume drops.
Posting Disorder not Otherwise Specified is included for coding disorders
with posting features that do not meet the criteria for Lurking Disorder or
Chronic Posting Disorder.
Flaming Disorder is characterized by one or more episodes of hot-tempered
posts, usually posted within seconds of receiving the 'trigger' message, but
can be distinguished from the Flame-With-Apology in that the sender has a
sincere belief that he/she is 100% correct and morally entitled to his/her
feelings of outrage. Flaming Disorder is often accompanied by Chronic
Posting Disorder.
Flame-With-Apology Disorder is a milder form of the Flaming Disorder, in
which the poster sincerely apologizes for the first portion of the message
and yet sends it anyway. A variation of Flame-With-Apology exists in which
posters staunchly defend their position for 3 to 4 days, then abruptly back
down and revert to Chronic Posting or Lurking.
The specifiers described in the third part of the section are provided to
increase diagnostic specificity, create more homogeneous subgroups, assist
in treatment selection, and improve the prediction of prognosis. Some of the
specifiers describe the current or most recent episode (i.e. Pine, Elm,
Anonymous, With Humorous Features, and With Uncomplicated
Internet Access).
Purps, I thought the above [segment from the site] was funny, too, but found a number of the shorter joke items on the site even funnier. The first few may be old hat, but some others on the list really get my funny bone!