It just struck me that a lot of what we post comes under "you couldn't make it up"! So my questions to those of you that aren't JW's or partnered with one - why do you continue to come here, does it entertain/surprise/inform you? If you knew no Jehovah's witnesses would you still be interested? I just wondered what a non-JW would make of this site if they were visiting for the first time - would they look once and then not bother to return or would they be hooked like the rest of us for the sheer "soap opera-ness" of it all?
Questions For Non-JWs
by sweet pea 9 Replies latest jw friends
Sad emo
Hi sweet pea
why do you continue to come here, does it entertain/surprise/inform you?
I'd say all three of those - there's such a mixture of topics. I stay mostly to keep informed and to offer support where I can.
If you knew no Jehovah's witnesses would you still be interested? I just wondered what a non-JW would make of this site if they were visiting for the first time - would they look once and then not bother to return
That's a tough one! I wouldn't have even known about this site if Pubsinger hadn't told me - but heaven knows why I actually registered! I could have just remained a lurker. If I'd just stumbled across this site without any prior knowledge, I probably wouldn't have come back because I'd have thought it was just for ex-JW's.
Originally I was here for information on JW's because I was studying with some, but this brought me into 'contact' with posters who had suffered various types of abuse - which opened up my own wounds from the past. So even though I've never been a JW, this has been a place of healing for me too. Some things are just meant to happen and how I landed here plus everything since comes into that category
emo of the honorary apostate class
I think most people who are not JWs and come to this forum probably kow someone who IS a JW and wants some behind-the-scenes TRUTHFUL information. That is why I came here.
Now that I have been here for awhile and see the things that no one that is actively involved in the JWs are going to tell you, I feel that it is necessary to pass the info. along to others, in order to keep them from becoming a target for the WTS. Or any other high control group.
Everyone is at risk. Educating the public is a way to keep them from becoming a victim. If I had not come to this site in order to find out more, I may have become recruited eventually. Instead, I have been armed with the info. to help my friend (and other JWs) break the mind control hold and to help others to avoid recruitment as well.
I will come to this site as long as it is running, and I will be actively involved in counter-cult ministries for the rest of my life because of it. Something that I would never have thought of doing, had I not had a direct relationship with someone who became involved with the JWs.
I hope other non-JWs see it as an opportunity to research and learn how to help. Knowing what it is like on the inside is important. That makes you see that it is not harmless. You certainly could not see that through the windows of the KH! Or on the carefully hidden, yet pain stricken faces of those who are being tortured by the people at the top of the mind control chain, who should be legally held responsible for willingly imprisoning the minds of those who deserve so much better. They have sacrificed so much time and energy for an empty promise that will always be just out of reach.
Shame on the GB!
This board is the the best education about JW's I have found. Reading all your life experiences has been a real eye opener for me. I've learned things about the JW that even my roommate didn't know (she did her own research and found out what I was telling her was true). You guys are the best.
I use to be a JW. I am no long a JW. I come here for the entertainment value.
Hi Sweetpea,
I'm not a JW, but I come here for support and information. Our son is married to a JW and is slowly being sucked into the cult. Have received lots of help from the people on this board, and it helps me deal with this situation.
sweet pea
Thanks everyone for your thoughts so far.
As a non JW the thing that amazes me the most is, How the WT has so much power and how do they get away with what they do to people?
Ive been effected by the WT myself my first wife studied with the JWs but didnt become one and I also studied with them.
Im a 7th Day Adventist which is a strict religion but it pales in comparison the the JW religion. My SDA pastor even came to the memorial with me when I was invited to come by a JW
Also my initial purpose in coming here was to find any developements in the JWs since the time I studied with them. I felt there would be because of the internet and the greater flow of information we all see in these times but to my amazement there is no progress at all. The JW religion must be the perfect model for cultists the world over. Barry
Here's what I wrote on May 30th in response to this same question: "In my case it's because while teaching a 4th grade class one day one of the students asked if she could pass out some leaflets to her classmates. When I looked at them and saw they were from the Watchtower I said no, because it isn't legal to do that on school grounds (but I didn't tell her that). It got me to wondering what would prompt one so young do such a thing. Not knowing anything about the JWs I did some research. Almost immediately I found this site. I couldn't pull away from some of the stories I was reading and kept coming back. I hate to say it, but it was like slowing your car down so you could get a better look at the car wreck along the roadside - you just can't help yourself. And here I am still, but I remain because I've met some great people and made some friends. So, thanks JWD!"
Us ex-jws are glad all you never-jws contribute here and help us to recover.
Many thanks.