Just came across this at http://www.courierpostonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2007706090311
Posted by a JW calling themselves "Kudra"
No, "the Christ" is not Jesus, as we Jehovah's witnesses believe (in the context of our convention title) so we would not just say "Jesus". "The Christ" is the collective group of spirit-directed men here on earth that make the truth of Jehovah known to the nations. They will interpret the deeper thing of the bible that we may not understand on our own.
God needs to make his will known and he gave us the bible but we could not understand it if it were not for this group of spirit directed men. Many of the understandings that Jehovah's Witnesses hold are different from churches of the world, even those that profess to be Christian. This is because we are the only religion that is chosen to have a true understanding of the bible and Jehovah's will.
Jehovah has always had a remnant of spirit-directed chosen ones on the earth. Today it happens to be the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses to show the world the truth about the future of humankind.
Annointed means "chosen".
Correct, correct and we are being taught the the truth about the future of this world and what we need to do to survive the great day and tribulation of our god Jehovah. Not all who call on the name of god will be saved.
I must say, and all who have been to the convention will agree, that "the Christ" is actually God's representative on earth, The Governing Body, chosen out of the anointed of Jehovah to provide information -Jehovah's mouthpiece, really- to His followers here on earth.
Some have been mislead as they tend to worship Jesus more than God his father. But, the Christ is actually the anointed here on earth. And to "follow the Christ" in actuality means to follow the teachings of the Governing Body who Jehovah has guided, with his spirit, to give us the teachings of truth.
Also did anyone see this:-
April 1st 2007 Watchtower?
pg 24 para 13 states
"It is to this holy temple class that Jesus has entrusted his earthly belongings, which means that certain rights and responsibilities within the Christian congregation belong exclusively to this collective slave. For this reason, all in the congregation view it as their sacred duty to follow and uphold the direction coming from the faithful slave and its Governing Body."