Should Christians Render Sacred Service [Worship - 'abohlah (Hebrew) ] to the Governing Body?
11 The Hebrew word for 'worship' is 'a-boh-dah , meaning literally 'service', regardless of to whom it is rendered. The submission of Jesus to John, though John was not the 'faithful slave' Jesus later referred to, shows that Jesus recognized his positional authority as arranged by Jehovah for the moment. In fact, Jesus stated to John at that point leading up to this momentous event in human history; " Let it be this time, for in that way it is suitable for us to carry out all that is righteous." Jesus understood that he personally would not always be available to direct matters personally, and that both he and Jehovah would make sure that his servants were protected and directed in matters of importance. Matthew 3:14
12 So having seen that Jesus subjected himself even to John the Baptiser in this matter, does this mean that Christians should allow the 'faithful and discreet slave' class of Matthew 24: 45, 46 to direct them in the capacity of the Christ? Should Christians view this specially appointed body as an extention of Jesus' direct authority? Should they subject themselves to this direction in the same way they would subject themselves to Jesus himself? Jesus is our 'master'. He has appointed this slave. Simply stated, why should we resist? Jesus even counselled his apostles to be respecting the work of a man considered demonized by the general population with the words, 'He that is not against us, is for us.' Matthew 9:40
16 So, as we have seen, though Christians do not bow in obesience to anyone but Jehovah, they might properly render service, 'a-boh-dah' to anyone whom Jehovah has appointed to act in a capacity of leadership. Though that sort of appointment is reserved to special persons and groups, today we recognize that the 'faithful and discreet slave' class does indeed occupy such an appointment. Thus, though our 'worship' [a-boh-dah] is in this case relative, it is seemingly scripturally proper. May we then follow them, as they follow Christ, and lead us into the righteous new order immediately ahead.