If anyone has google earth, you can actually SEE russel's pyramid!
These are links to KML files, I don't know how to link 'em so that it's guaranteed they will open in google earth, but you can easily right-click and save, the resulting files are definitely double-clickable
I think I have my facts straight here, but as always I'm open to discussion.
If anyone wants to placemark WTS holdings I have missed, it would be awesome!
To do so, you find it in google earth, then click thr little pushpin that is called 'add placemark'
adjust placement, give it a name, click 'OK'
You can then find the placemark on the left, right clock, choose 'save as' and be sure it's a 'KML' file and put it up somewhere, or if you have no place to upload it you can just get properties on it and copy the lat/long into a post.
If creating a placemark from pasted lat/long, be sure is the same in the 'view' tab as well or it won't work.
Happy hunting, catch some for me!