cat naps, power naps and siestas

by Gregor 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    Usually mid afternoon, even ten minutes can rejuvenate. If only more employers realized that employee productivity and work quality would be improved with a 30 min siesta.

    I can grab a nap just about anywhere. When I was traveling by air a lot I could fall asleep during take off. When driving a car while sleepy (very dangerous) I pull over, recline the seat and zonk for just a couple of minutes. Then I'm good for a couple more hours.

  • Gregor

    Wow, looks like I've started another wildfire topic...stand back!

  • eclipse

    Naps are like quenching your thirst on a hot day with cold fresh water.

    I love the dreams I have when I nap.

    Naps rock!

  • helncon

    I can't just have a nap it last for HOURS!.

    I used to have an arvo sleep when the kids where having theres9 due to being up and down all night) but once they were out of that arvo nap i had to adust too.

    But i try to on the weekend have a nap.

    But it doesnt work kids are too noisy!

    I know one of my close friends can have the power nap for all of 10 min and start all over again!


  • Latte

    Good advice Gregor about driving! It's so easy to think that you CAN drive and be tired...ya gotta pull over as you said.

    Nothing against 'Cat Naps' it's all I seem to do at the moment as I'm just getting over surgery.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz where was I ??....oh yes....

    My hubby once told me that he actually dropped off whilst a client was talking to him on the phone...he managed to get by though Hubby can drop of within seconds!

    A nap is sooo refreshing....(the real truth is ...I'm getting old! lol)

    Eclipse , couldn't of put it better myself !

    Naps are like quenching your thirst on a hot day with cold fresh water.

    I love the dreams I have when I nap.

    Naps Rock!


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    A nap is sooo refreshing....(the real truth is ...I'm getting old! lol)

    Oh how true!

    The older I'm getting, the more I look forward to naps. I remember being in my late teens and mid-twenties where I can go on with only two or three hours of sleep a night. I'd work all day, go out with friends till the wee hours of the morning and then would go home to catch a few winks. Then I'd wake up and head off to work to start at 6:00am. I would do this again and again, day after day.

    Now my naps are more like two or three hours!

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • Nosferatu

    I don't know how you guys can do the power nap thing. I just can't unless I'm REALLY exhausted. I have a hell of a time trying to fall asleep at night, let alone have a short nap during the day. If I sleep for only ten minutes, I'm tired as hell when I wake up.

    The only time the whole "power nap" thing works for me is after sex.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I think afternoon naps are just natually in Hispanics blood, I take them between 4-5pm, ahhh I love naps

  • Jim_TX

    I was doing 'power naps' before they were a fad. I used to get home from work, and tell the wife - "I'm going to go recharge." I would then go to the bedroom and fall face first on the bed. After 45 minutes, I was rejuvenated, and supper would be ready. If I slept more than 45 minutes, I would feel groggy.

    I then started working at one company, and was drained by noon-time. So, I first started out taking naps in the breakroom. They had a TV on, and I would hear the shows in the background. I would get about 40 to 45 minutes and then get up and go back to work for the rest of the day.

    I later started having my lunch in my truck, and would drop off to sleep - reaching dreamstate - and then wake up thinking I had overslept, only to realize that I had been asleep for about 25 minutes.

    I can now take a quick 'recharge' when I get home from work - about 30 minutes or so, and be ready for another 4 to 5 hours.

    It works.

    I've even gotten my wife to like taking quick naps in the evenings - when we can. It really helps.


    Jim TX

    P.S. My wifes' son came to visit her this summer, and was telling us all about 'power naps' and how he takes them at home... they last about 4 hours, etc. I told him, THAT ain't no 'power nap'... that's just a nap. He retaliated by saying ..."Well, it's shorter than the naps my dad takes!" (Which is true.)

    I had to educate him on the length of 'power naps'. He's learning. *grin*

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