Just saw dubs in the neighborhood. They had magazines hidden in mainla file folders as they went door to door. Is this a new policy or just a local phenomena. Ideas ?
Field Service Using Manila Folder
by Siddhashunyata 8 Replies latest jw friends
I never had seen or heard of this approach. Were they just handing out tracts? Surely you need a case or handbag to hold the essential proselytizing tools -- magazines, Reasoning Book, and oh yeah, the Bible.
I don't think they were using manila folders to be less conspicuous. After all , their attire would make it obvious who they are and what they are up to.
Often, Dubs are requested to go in service with just the flyer or magazine or whatever. This allows them
to not be easily recognized as Dubs until they have given out the literature.It also allows the organization to put the literature sale ahead of the Bible or any actual accomplishment.
Most Dubs I knew (myself included) used a leather or canvas or similar hard portfolio, but
some used manila folders or school folders to carry the stuff.This also allowed the Dubs an easier day of service. Just place something and move on. This was an
effort to get more Dubs out in service. The last couple of years, they have been reactivating publishers
so their average publisher totals don't go down. -
I have worked with the C.O. on Magazine Day and he used to have a bundle of Mags. rolled up in his hand to just pass out in the street work. Nothing else just the rolled up magazines.
Before I left two and a half years ago, they wanted us to just carry the magazines and our Bibles in a notebook. They didn't want us carrying around bookbags. I think it was so people didn't recognize us as Witnesses right away.
The finished mystery : There were District Assembly invitations in the folders. Two were put in my doors (front and back). "Follow The Christ " District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. The tract asks: "How can following the Christ help you to:
- improve family life
-deal with life's difficult problems?
- draw closer to God
- oppose the Devil?
- gain everlasting life?
They could have made the deal even sweeter by including :
- get cheaper gas
- cure asthma
- get on reality TV
- win a trip to West Hollywood
In the picture Jesus looks looks like a man that can be trusted to give you a good deal on whatever their selling.
choosing life
I haven't been door to door for more tham 2 years. When I last did, they were encouraging us to go to the door without book bags. We often went with just tracts. I Liked it light, but it meant that they didn't even take a Bible at times. I didn't see any manilla envelopes,though.
I liked to just read a scripture about Jesus and then give them a tract about him. No records, no returns. Just have a nice day.
Perhaps they were keeping their tracts or magazines tidy? I certainly wouldn't get paranoid. Maybe so they don't have to carry around a bookbag?? I'm curious.... Did they also carry the Bible? I remember witnessing w/the Bible only and leaving the publications in the trunk of the car.
Just guessing.............
I love the idea of then getting on reality TV. Also an idea for a WT article: "Reality TV -- Is It For Christians?"