I was here three years ago, but back then I used my old hotmail account so now I'm at square one, like Nebukadnesar not remembering my name or where I came from =)
I'm Back
by Royal Rose 7 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome back.
When Nebuchadnezzar regained his sanity, they probably filled him in on what happened during the preceding 7 years.
If you need us to fill you in, some interesting stuff has happened.
Did you know - the Awake only comes out once a month, and starting in January the Watchtower will have a "members only" magazine once per month? Did you know you can no longer wear jeans and t-shirts in the District Convention city after the sessions are done. That's right - only pack your polyester suits and floral skirts.
Glad you're back to this -- sanity?
Royal Rose
wow A LOT has happened in the last few years, I'm glad to be back
Sanity ;)
Welcome back RoyalRose!
Je suis si heureux vous ĂȘtes retournĂ©
I am so worldly or can Google English to French...
Royal Rose
Thank you Juni
Thank you zero day. Je suis heureux aussi =)
Hello Royal Rose parla vou france?
Woo hoo! She speaks French....
She said, "She's happy to be back too."
Juni (who took 7 years of French many, many years ago and has forgot most of it) LOL
You're welcome for the rose; I thought that fit your alias.