Ok whose made the leap and bought one of these formats - what are your impressions? This is my take so far:
When I see online surveys about what people are planning to buy there seems a 2:1 ratio of Blu-ray players to HD-DVD. That’s telling.
Porn will never be the selling force it once was due to the secrecy and availability of internet sources. So HD-DVD being porn central won't make such a big impact.
If and when writers arrive it seems sensible that people would want a larger format than a smaller one.
In all (save one) UK shop selling HD disks here in Telford there was a marked preference by the shop to promote more visibly and in greater amounts blu-ray content.
Blu-ray seems to have the edge on HD-DVD on content - especially high demand content.
Blu-ray seems to have the scope for the most price changes since it is currently the most expensive to produce and will benefit from mass production.
There is a perception that Blu-ray is clever than HD-DVD - BR is divorced enough from DVD to make people see it as a completely different product whereas HD-DVD seems like a jazzed up DVD (i.e. not a big enough jump to justify replacing DVDs). Perception trumps fact more often than not.
Price is not such a deciding factor since to get HD you need to spend a wadge on the big TV anyway - these are cash(credit?) rich times and people will be less swayed by the odd £100 pounds in a deal costing oner £1500 for the whole package.
PS3 is seen as a Blu-ray player - it’s part of the purchasing decision whereas HD-DVD is an add on after purchse for the XBox - its an annoying oversite on MSoft’s part and makes an XBox owner have to decide on a HD-DVD standalone or an HD-DVD add-on - very confusing.
All in all I’m being pulled towards Blu-ray but while I hold out for falling 1080p sets and greater clarity on the options I have I’ve bought an upscaler and all I can say is wow wow wow.
Blu-ray V HD-DVD
by Qcmbr 3 Replies latest social entertainment
Blu-ray burners are availible now. So are HD-DVD burners (at least for computers). They both have heavy encryption for commercial discs but I wouldn't worry about that too much as I hear they have both been hacked already.
Personally, I'm biding my time as I do with any new technology. It never pays to be an early adopter. Give them a bit more time and either one will drop out or they will start producing burners that can handle both formats (as they did with DVDs and the + and - formats).
Attended the CES show in Vegas in Jan. There is at least one manufacturer that makes a dual format machine. Not sure if it's Samsung, can't remember. Blu-Ray is the heavy hitter at this point, with about an 80/20 advantage over HD. I tend to follow Sony's instincts. They did blow it big-time on Beta, trying to become the Microsoft of video, but it seems they've learned their lesson after that Marketing 101 experience. Of course, Beta was always superior to VHS, which proves the superior technology doesn't always dominate in the end. I'm currently using a JVC 55" Lcos/DILA, which after almost 3 years of heavy use, still produces an extremely crisp and almost overwhelmingly bright image. The Sharp LCDs to me were the most impressive at the CES, as far as flat screens. I, too, am quite happy with my current set up and will wait for the prices to reach proletarian levels. Check out Discovery's "The Planet", available on standard, Blu-Ray or HD DVDs!!!
LennyinBluemont do you know of any dual format burners for PCs?
Yes I've been thinking of the whole beta vs vhs, superior technology dosen't always win but as you pointed out, sony seem to have learned their lesson. The playstation 3 is certainly a good start.