by Quentin 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quentin

    "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully
    as when they do it from religious conviction."
    --Blasé Pascal,

    Extreme radical conviction, especially that of religion, has always been and shall always be the most destructive of human endeavors...

    Sadly, I am pessimistic as to what the future holds for our children and grand-children...there are so many extremist groups, religious, or otherwise, seeking to destroy civilization as we know it, that it will happen, as history grinds forward repeating itself over and over.

    What do you think? Are we on a hell bound train because of extremist views, religious, or otherwise, or is there hope?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    it's gonna be a close call. but there is always potential for liberation in every one.

    i say there are a lot of reasons to smile. even if this is as good as it gets, and it somehow all goes downhill from here, it's been a trippy ride for our genome, and by extension, us. i'm happy for us and the planet for coming this far! but ya, it's gonna be a close call either way. consumer fundamentalists scare me the most though.


  • Quentin

    What?...no one else has any thoughts on this subject...I feel like I'm being shunned...sigh...should have ghost writtin this for Minimus...

  • nvrgnbk

    I love the topic Quentin.

    I just believe the opposite on the subject.

    I think we are going to see a decrease in fundamentalism as information continues to become more accessible.

    I think the younger generation is wanting something better. And most know that religion, especially fundamentalist,

    is an obstacle to that. I think the blinders are coming off, slowly but surely.

  • Quentin

    Heheheh...Hit the button to quick...therefore this is an edit...

    Good to see that you and Tetra have a more positive outlook...I just feel there are so many extrimists running amok that as the inter-net can be a positve influence to see a better future, it can have the opposite effect as well...to me evil conspirency stories flavored up with doom and gloom have a stronger pull on peoples imagination and world views than upright balanced thinking...

    Some of these groups are bold and very destructive, Muslim extermist being at the top of the food chain...all the way down to passive-agressive groups such as the wt...sucking people in wreaking havoc in family lives...religion being the most dangerous of all....

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