To zenism - sorry about posting this openly but sending a pm doesn't work on my computer. I just want you to know that I got your pm and the answer to your question is "No, I don't" - I appreciate the sentiment you expressed in your pm - sometimes I wonder if anyone actually is interested in what I have to say. If you care to pm me your email address I can send you the address of another site I post at which is dedicated to discussing "waking up"......... poppers
To "zenism"
by poppers 8 Replies latest jw friends
OOPS! Make that to "zensim" - sorry.
AlmostAtheist - you have an email.
I alway read and appreciate what you and zenism and all the Buddhists have to say but don't always have anything to say. Do you mind telling us openly about the other site you post on if not then I will send you my e-mail address.
bernadette - send me a pm with your email address and I'll get back to you.
bernadette - you have an email.
zensim - I got your email address from your pm but my email to you wouldn't go through. Are you sure you gave me a valid address? If there is anyone out there who knows zensim please notify her of this post. Thanks.
Hi zensim. After several attempts at using your email address and having it not work (must be a Hotmail hangup) I've decided to post this openly ........... Here is the site I mentioned:..........
This site is about waking up to your true nature. Although this is examined from the perspective of Eckhart Tolle this site is not limited to his ideas. After reading a few posts you will probably figure out who I am on the board. Browse around and register if you have any questions to ask. You can also send private messages if you want. Hope to see you there ..........
BTW, I think people think I am Buddhist because of the type of posts I write, but I am not. From the experiences I've had, however, I understand where the Buddhists are coming from. Being identified with any religion or philosophy is just more illusion that must be discarded if one's true nature is to be realized. -
Thanks Poppers!
I will check out the site and find you : )
Couldn't agree more with that last para you wrote.
Damn annoying about the email though ...