Terrorstorm, False Flag Operations, & Greoge Orwell's :1984

by frankiespeakin 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm only 20 minutes into this and I've got to take a break.

    Scary stuff.

    I finally made myself watch Farenheit 9/11 a few weeks ago.

    I miss those rose colored glasses the FDS gave me.

  • heathen
    I miss those rose colored glasses the FDS gave me.

    Yah , what glasses are those ? I remember them always saying the government is run by satan the devil . It's amazing how people can ignore the facts as presented by alex jones .


    Heathen - I can certainly see why you must have thought that I was saying that the rosy lens glasses made the governments look good. I never thought that, even as a child. Viet Nam horrified me on the news and I've never trusted the government since.

    What I meant to say was that the FDS gave me the illusion that none of the corruption reallyaffected me because my deliverance was near. I would merely watch Armegeddon from the sidelines and wait for the clean up to begin.

    And of course anyone with a good heart would be drawn to Jehovah and saved.


    My head is still reeling from the shock that it is all just a lie.

    I'm still sorting things out... it was easy to block the wickedness of this world out

    when I thought paradise was going to take it's place.

    I'm still looking for the truth. False hope was never my goal.

  • heathen

    I always remember the WTBTS or jehovah witnesses talking about having to go through alot of trials and tribulation before actually being saved. Of course thinking of paradise was the escapist way of dealing with it . "keep your eyes on the prize", was what I remember reading when it came to facing hardship . The j-dubs aren't the only ones that think the end is imminent , many religions talk about the "rapture" and second coming of christ , the main difference is that the WTBTS is a works based rather than a faith based religion.

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