Re: Local Design/Construction Department Broadcast Highlights

by suavojr 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • suavojr

    Bullet point #13 is what they want to focus on

    Christian Congregation

    of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237 Phone: (845) 306-1100

    2/23/15-E Us

    February 23, 2015


    Re: Local Design/Construction Department Broadcast Highlights

    Table of Contents

    Organizational Refinements ................................................................................................................. Par. 2

    Kingdom Hall Construction and Renovations ..................................................................................... Par. 5

    Construction Groups ............................................................................................................................ Par. 6

    Construction Volunteer ........................................................................................................................ Par. 7

    Construction Servant ............................................................................................................................ Par. 8

    Local Construction Servant .................................................................................................................. Par. 9

    LDC Volunteer ................................................................................................................................... Par. 10

    Congregation Volunteer ..................................................................................................................... Par. 11

    Kingdom Hall Maintenance ............................................................................................................... Par. 12

    Dear Brothers:

    1. The Local Design/Construction Department broadcast on January 31, 2015, was indeed

    a special occasion that provided a better understanding of the changes being made to accelerate

    Kingdom Hall construction. We are pleased to provide this letter to outline highlights from

    that meeting for your future reference.

    2. Organizational Refinements: A new world headquarters department, Worldwide

    Design/Construction (WDC), was formed to oversee the scheduling and expediting of worldwide

    construction and renovation projects. Regional Design/Construction Departments (RDCs) serve

    as an extension of the WDC in overseeing construction in countries in their region. A Local Design/

    Construction Department (LDC) serving at the branch office level is responsible for coordinating

    the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of Kingdom Halls and Assembly

    Halls in the local branch territory.

    3. A branch-wide plan is used to prioritize the needs for Kingdom Halls. LDC field representatives

    gather information from bodies of elders, circuit overseers, and others about local

    needs and circumstances. Field representatives generally meet with the Congregation Service

    Committee. However, other elders may attend if a body of elders feels that would be beneficial.

    The most critical needs are filled first. As congregations patiently wait for their needs to be cared

    for, they show generosity toward those with more urgent needs.—Phil. 2:4.

    4. Because of the size of the United States branch territory, it has been divided into eight

    zones. A Local Design/Construction Office (LDCO) established in each zone cares for the work of

    construction and maintenance in its zone and cares for those assigned to do the work. Specific details

    will be provided later regarding the LDCO to which your congregation is assigned.

    5. Kingdom Hall Construction and Renovations: Decisions related to what goes into

    a Kingdom Hall, where a Kingdom Hall should be built, when it should be remodeled, and what

    congregations should attend the Kingdom Hall are now made by the branch office. Standardization

    will streamline the purchasing process and will lower costs. The new design incorporates

    commercial features that will be more durable and cost-effective. Principles of this design will also

    be used when possible on renovation projects.

    6. Construction Groups: Under the guidance of the LDC, construction groups care for

    the construction and renovation of theocratic facilities. (These construction groups should not be

    confused with the construction groups being used to identify persons to fill the needs at the

    Warwick construction project.) Construction groups are composed of up to eight special full-time

    construction servants or full-time construction volunteers. Congregations are extended the privilege

    of offering as much support as their circumstances allow.

    7. Construction Volunteer: An exemplary baptized brother or sister who is skilled with

    at least a few years of work experience and who is available full-time from one week to six

    months may serve as a construction volunteer. Applicants must be at least 19 years of age. Preference

    is given to elders, ministerial servants, and pioneers. Depending on circumstances and

    availability, a construction volunteer may receive an assignment anywhere within the branch territory

    or even in another country. A construction volunteer applies by completing the Application

    for Construction Volunteer Program (A-27), which is available in the “Forms” section of

    8. Construction Servant: After serving as a construction volunteer for three months, a

    brother or sister may apply to serve as a construction servant. This assignment is generally for

    one year or until the completion of the project to which the servant is assigned. When invited, he

    or she applies by completing the Application to Become a Construction Servant in the Worldwide

    Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses (A-32). This application is only available

    from the branch office.

    9. Local Construction Servant: After first serving as a construction volunteer for three

    months, a brother or sister may apply to serve as a local construction servant. He or she would be

    able to care for the assignment while living in his or her own home. The assignment is generally

    for one year or until the completion of the project to which the servant is assigned. Similar to a

    construction servant, he or she applies by completing an Application to Become a Construction

    Servant in the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses (A-32).

    10. LDC Volunteer: An exemplary baptized brother or sister with needed skills or aptitude

    who is available periodically to support construction or maintenance projects within a reasonable

    travel distance may apply to be an LDC volunteer. An LDC volunteer must be an example

    worthy of imitation in such areas as meeting attendance, zeal in the ministry, and respect

    and support of the body of elders. An LDC volunteer applies by completing the Local Design/

    Construction Volunteer Application (DC-50), which is available in the “Forms” section of This application replaces the Regional Building Committee Volunteer Application (S-82).

    11. Congregation Volunteer: A local publisher who is at least 17 years of age and who

    is not under judicial restrictions may be used as a congregation volunteer. He or she is invited to

    work on his or her own Kingdom Hall. There is no application. Congregation volunteers receive

    approval through the Congregation Service Committee of the body of elders.

    12. Kingdom Hall Maintenance: There is a connection between our zeal for worship and

    our zeal for caring for our places of worship. To assist in this work, a new Kingdom Hall maintenance

    program is gradually being introduced throughout the United States branch territory under

    the direction of the LDC. The goals of this program are to extend the life of our Kingdom Halls

    and to conserve dedicated funds. Under this arrangement, Kingdom Hall maintenance processes

    will be unified worldwide. LDC field trainers, brothers and sisters serving as full-time construction

    servants, will arrange to meet with bodies of elders and to provide maintenance training to local

    brothers and sisters. Until this arrangement is made available in your area, continue to support the

    maintenance needs for your Kingdom Hall as directed by your Regional Building Committee.

    13. How can everyone have a share in these adjustments? We can give financial contributions

    to build Kingdom Halls. (2 Cor. 8:13-15) We can continue to support the greatest preaching

    campaign in history. (Matt. 28:19, 20) And we can keep theocratic construction projects in our

    daily prayers, asking Jehovah to bless these efforts.

    14. Thank you in advance for your support of these arrangements and for your encouraging

    others to “offer themselves willingly.”—Ps. 110:3.

  • DesirousOfChange




    Isn't it interesting that MONEY is mentioned before Preaching & Prayer.

    While money has been their priority for some time now (I don't think it was decades ago), but I think this is the first time they've actually been so blatant about stating it in that order.

    Follow the money.


  • sir82

    And here is the 2nd most important point:

    5. Kingdom Hall Construction and Renovations: Decisions related to what goes into

    a Kingdom Hall, where a Kingdom Hall should be built, when it should be remodeled, and what

    congregations should attend the Kingdom Hall are now made by the branch office.

    Hmm, let me fill in some missing information there.....

    5. Kingdom Hall Construction and Renovations: Decisions related to what goes into a Kingdom Hall (the cheapest options available until just prior to resale), where a Kingdom Hall should be built (highly visible areas which can easily be rezoned for business buildings when the branch decides to sell), when it should be remodeled (just prior to the sale of the Kingdom Hall to the dentist, nail salon, or professional services enterprise that will buy the property) , and what congregations should attend the Kingdom Hall (decisions to be based solely on economic factors, publishers be damned) are now made by the branch office.

    There, I think that is more clear.....

  • WingCommander

    So instead of praying for "The End" to arrive promptly and alleviate us all from our hardships, for Jehovah to make His Sovereign name known, to announce His invisible Kingdom and the Son whom has been reigning on the throne "invisibly" since 1914..........the rank and file are now instead supposed to be praying daily for the success of Kingdom Hall construction and to hand over even more money????

    Truly, the jig is up. The bean counters run this cult. The shift from literature to real estate is complete. Shake downs, intimidation, manipulation, guilt, and fear are now the cornerstones of this American, pseudo-religious money-making CULT formerly known as the WTBTS.

    No mention of building soup kitchens, homeless shelters, orphanages, hospitals, or retirement communities to actually HELP the flock? So much for the fruitages of the spirit, aye?

    I also noticed once again, that JESUS was not mentioned even ONCE in this entire document. No where. Not once. Neither was talking about helping the sheep. (Just fleecing them).

    The religion of my youth repulses me in the extreme.

  • suavojr


    Look at how they mentioned him in last Sunday's WT study.

    December 2014, Study article Do You Appreciate What You Have Received? paragraph 11.

    They make it sound as if Jesus is simply another bible character to consider. They hide the fact that Christianity is all about Christ!

    Would not be complete without giving attention to Jesus? Seriously? Without Jesus you would not have any so called truth about the kingdom, no gospels, no hope for a resurrection, no after life, no so called paradise, etc... and they simply alluded to him as a good "example" not "the example", "the truth, the way", you get where I'm going with this.

    11 Our consideration of good examples would not be complete without giving attention to Jesus, God’s Son. He received much from his Father, and he truly valued it. That appreciation for what he had been taught is evident in his words: “Just as the Father taught me, I speak these things.” (John 8:28) And it was his desire that others benefit from what he had received. He told the crowds: “I must also declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent.” (Luke 4:18, 43) He helped his listeners to see the need for being “no part of the world,” which in general does not value spiritual things.—John 15:19.

  • Pistoff

    Our consideration of good examples would not be complete without giving attention to Jesus, God’s Son.

    Their way of saying, last but not least.

  • Gayle

    I am sure it is in the Bible somewhere about the LDC, Last Days Construction work!??

    There is much more enthusiasm and highlight given on this stuff than the boring door-to-door work.

  • jerryjax99
  • Gayle
    Any LDC Kingdom Halls going up yet? How long do they anticipate it will take to build?
  • OnTheWayOut
    We are in control.
    We have our buddies in positions of authority.
    We want your money.
    In case you didn't get the point, your money buys you loyalty points with Jehovah.

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