Hello any Bethel members or lurkers who might have an inside scoop. This is an honest plea for justice to you, if you have access to the secret database files which are being kept hidden by the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses, would you please , in the name of true justice, please come forward and release those files to the news media. There are plenty of child molestation victims crying out for consolation in their lives and getting none whatsoever. The jig is up. All of us know the watchtower society had to settle out of court with 16 molestation victims, and more are in the works, alledgedly. So if you really want to do a good thing as an organization or individually as a person to make a difference in these victims lives, please come forward. Really, think about it, don't you think God in heaven holds these upper level men on the governing body accountable?? Or do you think they'll get away with it in the end. I think not. So Bethel, come clean now, maybe your ranks won't shrink like you think, maybe people will respect you more for doing the right thing. Please consider it, Sincerely, Mr. Flipper
Bethel Members & Lurkers-Do Justice,Make Public Pedophile Database Files
by flipper 6 Replies latest jw friends
Well I guess I prove the point, nobody responded from Bethel with a good, just, conciense about child abuse victims rights. What's wrong Bethel?? Too much truth here?? Or are ya'll just chicken shits?? I actually dare one person who knows inside information to come on this thread and share what they know of actual pedphiles either in Bethel, high ranking or not with others to get it out in the open. I guess the witnesses are a secret society!! The question deserves to be asked again, Is there one just person in the organization who will do this?? If you don't want to reveal it on JWD, please go to your local news media, anominously if you need to. Do the right thing, Sincerely, Mr. Flipper
Why dont we just appoint someone from the jwd.....to work their way back in, and up the ranks to find out! Any takers?
I just wanted to bump this thread up to see if there are any on the fence bethelites out there who will do some in house investigating and get the database file, and expose more in the witness organization who are being hidden by the governing body committing child abuse. If you are of " honest " heart and truly want to do a good service expose them now ! It has already been exposed on the national media. It's just a matter of time before more will come out . So do a honest community service for people- expose the watchtower society ! Feel free to reply here or your local authorities
Do you really think every Bethelite has access to this? Do you think the database is unattended these days?
GERMAN- I agree it's a long shot. No, I think the database is attended and guarded, that's not the point. I am trying to appeal to anybodies sense of honesty in Bethel. A long shot I know, but I'm willing to just put it out there. I don't care if it looks gullible or stupid . I'm not worried about what people think by doing this ( unlike the watchtower society) if done for the children, it's for a good reason