Maybe posted before BUT, Ever see any fist-fights break out in a KH, etc?

by NotaNess 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotaNess

    Just curious to hear any stories on any "brothers" or "sisters", you witnessed getting into a fist fight or getting physical at a K Hall or just in general anywhere?

    How about maybe some major cursing arguments?

    I know this would probably be pretty rare, but.....

    Any stories? What was the outcome?

  • Threestars

    My two teen-age brothers once duked it out. That was hilarious.

    My Mom whacked the PO over the head with my Dad's bookbag. He had called her a "spoiled brat".

    He then called a JC and tried to have her DFed but all they wound up doing was annulling her baptism.

    Later on, though, they told her that the annulling didn't count and she was still considered a baptized JW so she had better behave and stop smoking or they'd DF her for sure.

  • R.F.

    One sister punched another sis in the face right after the field service meeting. The CO even saw it.

    Those same two sisters where punching/slighly wrestling in the back of the POs car right before they left to go door to door.

  • kwr

    Nothing like a good cat fight before going knocking R.F.

  • WTWizard

    No, I have never seen the fist fights or swearing at each other. But that doesn't mean it never happened. Of course, play fights among children and beatingsspankings of children do not count, since this happens any time children are involved. In fact, I have never even seen anything that resembles a heated debate in the Tower. Maybe this is because I have never been in the middle of one of those "brief" hounders meetings that last for two hours.

  • tijkmo

    head butt in irvine last week..still awaiting the details

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