I was mowing the yard this morning and as usual I was thinking about life and such. There were weeds with pretty little flowers and some cherry trees trying to grow. I just mowed them down because I like the way grass looks better. I thought about God and how he mows down humans that he doesn't like and lets his grass grow (the Israelites) and cuts down the pagan nations, because they gave human sacrifices to please their Gods. Hell, that was my idea he thought, and I'm going to make my son be the human sacrifice later. Oh, hell, seems lika a good idea too so I will keep bunches down there too and never let them die, just sacrifice forever.
He thinks, my yard doesn't look very good so i'm going to dig it all up and make a new earth, and since the sun doesn't shine too well on it I'm going to make a new heaven too.
I think I'm going sort of crazy lately.
Ken P.