I was thinking about my 1 and only visit to a Sunday "service" as an invite, to a KH a few years back.
It never dawned on me til now, but we showed up in Collar Shirt & Slacks / Casual Dress, and immediately felt WAY under dressed (& uncomfortable due to that). And now I think that relatively, there's probably not a lot of new faces that are seen in these small congregations, and although I felt like I was initially just going to another "Church Service"...I really wasn't, was I?
Now I'm thinking that silently, everyone was probably so tuned into my wife, my daugther and I when we showed up and throughout the service. Almost like a gang member just brought new possible recruits in, and we were being watched like hawks....looking to see if we were "Witness" material???, to see how we acted.
So tell me, was everyone focused on us or what?
Am I over anylizing?
We absolutely left there, feeling like we were among what felt like robots or something...that REALLY sticks in my memory of the event.