Was wondering if I should cann my idea or move forward. Anyway, the state I live in is having a herd management year and is offering a ton of elk permits (I put in a few months ago during the regular draw and was skunked). Here is the catch - the area is literally in no mans land. It is on the opposite side of the state from where I live. Now I have an older vehicle, an IHC Scout. Which does great around my local, and outlining areas. I don't feel comfortable taking it 8+ hours away. I was thinking of renting a small car, but since I have never bagged an elk (only deer) I have no idea what it would weigh dressed and if it would even fit in a small car. Would like to take my quad too and was thinking of buying or renting a tow bar and slapping it on the rental Otherwise, I may just wait until next year and put in again for an area around me. Thoughts?
For those who hunt (?)
by sinis 5 Replies latest jw friends
if you're going to rent something, rent a full size pickup- it'll accomadate the quad and a caped Elk with 100-250lbs of meat.
Remember, duffle bags and gun or bow cases can be slid under the quad for transport.
getting the quad out of the truck, put that bitch in the ditch (the truck, sorry for cussing, but it rhymes) and back the quad out.
a full size pickup will take you a bit further in the woods as well, better than haveing a small car and relying on the quad.
Just my thoughts- but either way- take pictures and have a blast safely.
I was thinking of renting a truck but my cheap skate brother thinks that the rental cost of ~$80.00 a day isn't worth it, when you consider lodging, gas, permit, etc. I was trying to pimp a cheap alternative, though I knew it would not work
An elk is a seriously big animal. I got a nice bull about thirty years ago in BC. It took two horses to pack it out of the woods.
Here are some great tips to help you and your brother with your decision: http://www.biggamehunt.net/sections/Elk/A_Field_Dressing_Guide_for_Elk_and_Deer_09230301.html
A field dressed Elk is going to run 350-600 lbs. so you really don't want to tackle that with a small car when you've got all your gear as well. The trailer idea is not bad but a truck is probably better.