When did WTS first teach 1914 as "Satan cast down"?

by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Many have written about what the early WTS taught about 1914 -- that Christ had been enthroned since 1874 and that in 1914 Armageddon would come. Today, though, they widely teach that 1914 was when Satan was cast out of heaven, as evidenced by the great turmoil that the earth encountered that year.

    This morning, it occurred to me that I've not seen any research into when the WTS first started to associate the year 1914 with the year Satan would be cast out of heaven--were they anticipating, before 1914, that this would occur, or was this interpretation made LATER, as I suspect it was?

    I've not found the answer yet... but in the process I did find that the December 1881 WT clearly shows that the Revelation account of Satan being cast down, who the 'woman' and the 'man child' were had NOTHING to do with present day beliefs--they felt it applied to the 1000-year 'reign' of the Roman Catholic Papacy, from 792 to 1792. I'll post more as I find it, going forward in time, but here's what I've got so far:

    The church knew that the promise of her Lord was, that he would end her persecutions by delivering her and that she should be exalted to the control of all the kingdoms of the world. And some were so rejoiced at the favors of Rome, that no doubt they fancied that in this way God would give them the kingdoms of the world promised.

    Persecuted and reviled, she was pained to be delivered, and longed for the completion of the promised "Seed of the woman which should bruise the serpent's head." Her anxiety and desire in this direction produced a pre-mature birth--"The Man of Sin" (the papal hierarchy) being the offspring. This "male child," at first a weak one (A.D. 314), was gradually "caught up unto God and to his throne," or exalted to the position and titles, homage and praise of the true "seed," so that "He as God sat in the temple (church) of God, showing himself that he is God." And within three hundred years he did "Rule the nations with a rod of iron."

    "And there was war in heaven;" there was a conflict or controversy between the two elements--the church and the empire--when this son of the church attempted to take the ruling position. This conflict and casting down of the dragon or civil power, continued for several hundred years, or until about A.D. 752, when "In the pontificate of Zachary, the German court decided that no Metropolitan could enter upon his functions without the approval of the Pontiff." "In the same year, Pepin asked the sanction of the Pope to ascend the throne of France."

    "Michael and his angels"--the Papacy and its supporters--fought against the dragon--pagan rulers, etc.,--and the great dragon was cast out of heaven. This conflict between Papal and Pagan power resulted, as we have seen, in the gradual overthrow of the latter.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Interestingly, this article goes on to have a series of questions and answers, in discussion format, between "Brother B" and "Brother A". Notice how Brother B challenges the identity of Michael in Revelation as being the Papacy, based on the Michael referred to in Dan. 12. The "Brother A" answer (the WTS) sounds SO convincing... the same kind of "notice this" and "reference that" that you'll find in the Revelation Climax book today. Obviously, it's nonsense.

    We should be so very grateful (it's THRILLING!) that Christ showed up in 1918 to apply his stamp of approval on these ones who were dispensing such truthful food for the sheep:

    B.--But does it not seem a forced construction to suppose Michael to symbolize the "Man of Sin?" Is not this the same Michael referred to in Dan. 12? If it is a symbol in one case, is it not in the other?

    A.--No; the account in Dan. 12 is a literal statement. The resurrection and other matters there mentioned are literal, but not so Rev. 12. The woman, dragon, tail, stars, horns, etc., are all symbols, and it would be out of order to have a real Michael fight a symbolic dragon. However, it seemed puzzling at first to know why this name should be given to Antichrist, but on turning to a dictionary we find that the meaning of the word Michael is--"Who as God." It is quite remarkable that the meaning should be in such close accord with Paul's description-- "He as God sitteth in the temple of God," (2 Thes. 2:4.) When the dragon was cast out of heaven (out of the ruling position) it left this one ("Who as God,") in control, or in the heavens, and from him issues the "loud voice" (great proclamation) of verses 10 to 12. That is, Papacy claimed that when it assumed control-- "The kingdom of God and the power of his anointed," had come to the world. They claimed that they had overcome by the blood of the Lamb, their lives and testimonies. They claim that their victory was the result of the firm stand of the ("Smyrna") church, which just previously had suffered so much persecution. "Therefore, rejoice ye heavens." (Let Papacy and all connected therewith rejoice.) "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, etc." As the church had once been persecuted when Paganism reigned, so now when she reigns she makes the Pagans and heretics suffer. This, Papacy claims as the Millennial reign, during which it broke in pieces the kingdoms with the rod of iron.

    B.--But it is the dragon that causes the woe, not the church.

    A.--Remember that the dragon represents Rome, and that the same dragon has various heads. (See Rev. 17.) Here it had fully taken on its fifth head--Papacy. It was the same Rome under a new rulership, or head, and the same power which had previously persecuted the church,-- the Empire and its army-- under the new ruler it persecuted pagans and heretics. Remember, therefore, that hereafter the dragon represents the empire or military power under the control of its ecclesiastical head. This military power must be made use of by its new head, and its force was directed against the woman and against the remnant of her seed, [who joined not in the apostasy], which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus."

    Now, brother B., can you see the Man of Sin?

    B.--Yes, yes! It seems very clear and plain now.

  • Leolaia

    Rutherford changed the teaching in this controversial article:

    *** w25 3/1 p. 67-70 Birth of the Nation ***

    What is here published is not dogmatically stated. Trusting the Lord for guidance, it is submitted for the prayerful and careful consideration of the anointed ones. If there are readers of the WATCH TOWER who can not agree with what is here stated, then it is suggested that such calmly and carefully wait upon the Lord, always keeping a pure heart....It seems to be well settled now in the minds of the anointed that the Gentile Times, which began 606 B.C., ended in 1914; that the devil became the god of the entire world when Israel was cast off, and that with the coming of 1914 the devil's privilege of ruling the world without interference ceased. The physical facts are consistent with these conclusions. In Revelation 11:17, 18 we read that the Lord has taken his power and reigned: "And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come." This prophecy began to have its fulfillment with the World War in 1914....It seems quite clear that the last three verses of Revelation, eleventh chapter, are part of the twelfth chapter. If that be true, then it follows that the twelfth chapter of Revelation, under the rule above stated, could not be understood or appreciated until after 1918; that is to say, until the opening of the temple when the Lord came to his temple. If the prophecy of Revelation twelfth chapter began to have its fulfillment at or immediately after that date, then the temple class should now be able to see some of it and to appreciate it. After careful and prayerful consideration, it seems proper here to call attention to some physical facts which seem to be in fulfilment of the prophecy of the twelfth chapter of Revelation. Probably the Lord wants his anointed to see a little more just now, during a flash of lightning, that they may be encouraged to hold fast to the promises and press on in the flight....

    Michael, who is Christ the Lord, has been present since 1874, but he did not interfere with Satan. He remained silent until his right to rule had come. Satan's right had expired in 1914. "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. --Daniel 12:1.

    There the Lord Jesus did stand up, and took his power to reign. It should be expected that the first work he would do would be to throw the devil out of heaven; and then and there the fight began.... This is no imaginary thing; it was a real fight. The dragon and his official family, members of his invisible government, found and fought hard; but they lost, and were literally hurled out of heaven.... It is inconsistent to think that Jesus, the righteous One, would take his power to reign in heaven and permit the devil to remain there; and he did not. Both Satan and his angels, namely, his official family, his invisible joint-rulers, were hurled down to the earth. That fight must have begun in 1914. Just how long it lasted the Scriptures do not indicate.... Do not the physical facts bear witness that since 1914 there has been a greater element of wickedness in the earth than ever before, and that this wickedness is on the increase. Crimes, wickedness indescribable, and ascribable to none other than the devil's influence, have become a common thing in the past few years.

    In his later writings, Rutherford indicated that the majority of the editorial committee of the Watchtower "strenuously objected" to the publication of this article, and in fact, it was a direct result of this confrontation that Rutherford eventually took over editorial control of the magazine.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Thank you, Leolaia, for that quote. As I suspected, it was "after the fact."

    What is here published is not dogmatically stated. Trusting the Lord for guidance, it is submitted for the prayerful and careful consideration of the anointed ones.

    You won't see quotes like that today!

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