my neighbor, who is a almost baptized witness, say the other night...."the end is any second, that's what they are tell us." I told her, don't you think YOU'RE personal life has to be affected first.?..Don't you think things have got to get a LOT worse?" The World World Government hasn't even begun yet! I told her, whatever she believe is ok with me, but NOT me!
thee end
by Sasha 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
38 Years
"the end is any second, that's what they are tell us."
That's what "they" tell you alright. If she isn't baptised yet, she needs to put it off for a while and do some research. If she doesn't she'll be under "their" control.
We had a poster on the board(Can`t remember his name)that was told the end was so close,he would never get to high school..He is now 68years old.....Good thing they did`nt tell him not to pee until after armageddon!..LOL!!...OUTLAW
If she is close to baptism, they are probably playing the "end is near" card for all its worth. Once she is baptized, I assure you they won't be quite as "caring," only heavy with demands. Why does she think she wants to be a JW? Is her life that bad that being a JW would improve it? If so, I recommend inpatient mental health treatment.
When they had me going, I don't think anything short of being bludgeoned by a clue wrapped around a solid lead ClueBrick could have done it.
Watch out for that ClueBrick, it's just around the corner!
choosing life
I remember getting excited and think that the end was coming every time something happened on the world stage. To be honest, I actually got excited when a bad storm came. How embarassing!
...."the end is any second, that's what they are tell us."
Hmmm...I remember them telling me this in 1982, the year I started college. An elder said to me, "College would be a waste of time for you. The new world will be here before you graduate..."
Ask her if she can honestly, sincerely, authentically and thoroughly love someone (god) who threatens to kill her and her young children if she does not? and why would she want to? Out of fear of punishment and death? Out of greed for some promised reward? Genuine love is not concerned with these things and so they do not count in her decision to be baptised.
Perhaps there is yet time to ask some pertinent questions that may motivate her to locate an inkling of wisdom and sense.
Almost ALL these posts I told her. Especially the "control part" once she gets baptized. I also asked her how happy she finds all those women at the hall (I used to go there). That I found very little love and some down right "unfriendly" women. But I told her know I realize they are just so unhappy and cannot leave becasue they will loose all friends and family. she understood that.
I was told that I'd never graduate high school or get married and have kids.
Well I finished high school, completed 4 years of nursing school, 2 years of radiologyh school, been married 21 years, oldest child 24 and youngest 17.
WOW, I guess they were wrong