Get yer 2007 ASSembly invitation here
by cultswatter 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The truth is simple isn't it?
I got mine a few days ago. I'm in the heart of Montreal and it was inviting me to a convention in Cornwall Ontario which is at least an hour and 1/2 how lame is that
Got one personally handed to me by an elder at my door yesterday morning.
And I can't WAIT to go to Long Beach! Armed with plenty of fliers. Wonder if I'll run into my mom? Hope so!!
[[ No johnny...this time I simply took the invitation, said thank you, then closed the teenage daughter and I were into a deep convo...she is priority ]]
This one is a little different.
[-Pray over your Big Mac as a witness to those who do not pray over their Big Macs]
that one's killer! even when i was 'in', it'd be so damn embarrassing to be with someone who had to make a showy display of their important conversation with god. i used to love interrupting them w/, 'and buy me a new stereo for my car and hook me up with a hot chick at this convention and....'
now, when w/ the very few wit friends through family, if i'm hangin' with them, i lift my arms and head to the sky and ask if they'd like to say grace. i usually get a kick under the table, but they're not the praying in front of everyone type.
remember hoagies and danishes and all that worse than fast food crap they'd serve at assemblies. i always wondered who got the contract to supply the meat, etc. i know shasta got the contract for the sodas, which sucked b/c ...all i wanted was a pepsi and they wouldn't give it to me. just one pepsi...*
if you know that reference, we're instant friends. :)
all i wanted was a pepsi and they wouldn't give it to me. just one pepsi
suicidal tendencies. Prime Cuts 1997 Institutionalized ???
google is my friend.
SnakesInTheTower (of the Googling Sheep Class)
I find that openly praying over the food in public is self righteous makes a show or draws attention to one's self, also makes the other people with them feel not a good as the one praying. Also I have been out with a certain witness that when paying for the food always, yes always with out fail, has their blood card in open view makes sure it is seen from their wallet. How humble is that..
i heard, the more prominent the blood card, the smaller the penis. that's what i heard, i haven't done any field checks and would rather not do field checks.
now, the blood card placement versus vagina size, yeah, i might do a study on that.
[all i wanted was a pepsi and they wouldn't give it to me. just one pepsi
suicidal tendencies. Prime Cuts 1997 Institutionalized ???
google is my friend.]
google may be your friend, but she's steering you slightly wrong. that must be a best of release by them, but the original came out in 1984 on their self titled debut release.
oh screw my elitism, big hug for getting the answer right.
..oh, i wish i still had that vinyl...i had to give it to my friend to keep b/c my parents would never let me have a band in the house like that and he ended up moving....i remember hiding it behind my dresser.
it's funny b/c to watch the video now, it's so dated, but we worshiped those guys in the 80's. i think the actress who plays his mom in the video is the principal from rock'n roll high school.
oh, if you watch the metallica documentary, 'some kind of monster', they replace their old bass player with the bass player from suicidal....that dude kicks ass...great documentary as well.
"I went to your schools
I went to your churches
I went to your institutional learning facilities
so obviously I'm crazy"
-last verse of 'institutionalized.