Counsel Slips

by El Kabong 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Do they still use Counsel Slips for the Theocratic Ministry School?

    I think the three "grades" were

    G = Good
    I = Improved
    W = Weak, or "Work on this" ( on THIS)

    I can't remember what some of the points were, all I can really remeber was "gestures". Maybe because I always felt like giving them a certain gesture.

    Am I just dating myself, or is this something that they still use?

  • jayhawk1

    I don't think you are dating yourself. Last year, they still had counsel slips. However, they have a new school book to replace the old red one, so maybe it has changed.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • dins

    Good memory..

    I despised the ministry school. I always wanted to be the householder that slammed the door on stage!

    I think one of the things was NI - needs improvement, which was almost on every slip. I don't think anyone ever received a perfect score.

    Do ya remember the timers on the talks???? And if someone went over it went ding and they looked all flustered and embarrassed? NI on timing, for sure.

    Glad I'm not there!!

  • ashitaka

    I remember a sweet old lady giving a talk; the bell rang-she stood up and yelled, "Can I finish!!!"

    ...they never used the bell again...

  • Moxy

    until we get the new book next year, yes, thats the system. their use varies greatly from school overseer to another. some hand out G's like tissues. some like to stretch it out: W-I-I-I-I-G. its a rather humorous custom that a less skilled speaker is appointed as S.O. so he will benefit too. so the counsel given is often not the most insightful.


  • slipnslidemaster

    Why do we need to counsel Slips?

    Slipnslidemaster: "And now about the cauldron sing, Like elves and fairies in a ring, Enchanting all that you put in."

    - William Shakespeare, MacBeth

  • Doc_jedd

    can sombody tell me how the ministry school is going to change ?.............. i missed the convention (oops) ive asked some of my cong. members but they cant seem to give me any concrete answer (i imagine they were sleeping at the time)............thanks Jedd

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    "Why do we need to counsel Slips?"

    Because we can't let them slide?

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